All Grown Up

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Summer has pasted once again and the summer didn't really go as planned. Being with Silvia and Dalton all summer was awesome and all but they couldn't write to each other about the amazing thing that happened over the summer. A big envelope showed up for Sophie and Josh, Machiavelli, Scatty, Shakespeare, and Newt. They opened the packages for each of them and saw a shiny P badge. They were prefects this year. They couldn't believe it.

"It's time to go to Diagon Alley. Look at us in our fifth year" Nicholas said. "Silvia and Dalton you need to get Gryffindor robes for this upcoming year and we all need our supplies."
They get their robes fitted. Next they go to flourish and blotts to get their text books for the year." They decided to all have a butterbeer before they went to the train station to leave for the school year.

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