The Discovery

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"So Nick Happy Christmas" Dumbledore said. "Merry Christmas Professor" he said. " "Did you find what you were lookin for. I'm sure it has to do with Dee." Yes I'm close to finding it. I just need to follow the trail a bit to make sure it is there then I'll bring the twins to tell them about it. And yes it has to do with Dee and did you find the "locket"." He asked. "Ok I understand you need to make sure it still there and all that. And yes I'm also close i will disappear for a bit over the holidays and will be back in January." Dumbledore said. "Good luck sir" Nick said.

He went down to the great hall to join his wife for breakfast. "Hey Honey long time no see" he said. " Nicholas how's it been going. Did you find what you were looking for." Perry asked. "Yes but I need to talk to you in private. The twins will find out soon. I need to talk to you and only you." He said. "Ok let's go" Perry said.
As they left the great hall the twins were wondering what they were discussing. "Let it go will know soon enough according to Nicholas" Sophie said to her brother. "Ugh nothing fun happens anymore. Ok I'll stay." He said.

They entered the bathroom where everything has been happening over the years. "What is it Nick" Perry asked. "I found a horcrux. On Alcatraz. I need to follow the path a bit to see if it's still there. But I know it will help us defekte Dee." He said. "Which is it." She asked. "Virginia's flute. It's a horcrux they had a relationship for a while so he used one of her possessions as one". He said. "Really we need to get it right away. The twins need to help you." Perry said. "Nows not the time. Wait for March to take them to Alcatraz. Wait till after the holidays to tell them about it." Nick said.

As the holidays go by Nick talks to the twins about the flute and a horcrux. " A horcrux could be any object or living think. Even this time turner could be one. We don't know yet if it is one. But Virginia's flute is one. Remember the bracelet in our second year. That was one. Even Dees staff was one. I broke it last year in the Ministry of Magic." Nick said. "So you are telling me that Virginia's flute is one and we need to go get it with you." Sophie said. " This is why I didn't trust him at the start but I trust him now." Josh said. "We will go in March. I need to know the safest path we can take to get to it." Nick said.

Valentine's Day came and left. Slughorns party was coming up soon. Sophie and Josh had to bring someone. They didn't know what to expect at this party. They went to the party and all it was was a dinner party.

Harry Potter and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя