The Finding of The Flute

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In the elevator with Risfell they had to make a decision fast. They decided to knock him out cold for a while. They succeeded and grabbed the key. They went down to the basement of the ministry. They hid Risfell in a closet and wiped his memory of what happened. Everyone joined them a few minutes later and searched the basement. It was really creepy seeing all the artifacts that were part of the ministry before it went through a change this year. They came to a T in the road. "Which way do you think we should go Perry" Prati said. "Sophie we are alone now. We don't need to use those names at the moment." Perry said. "Right sorry" Sophie said. The door on the left was older and looked like it could fall any day. The one on the right was newer and had a big m in a circle sticking ever so slightly out of the middle of the door. "Perry can't you see the future" Josh asked. "Yes I can and both lead to something good. But one has a trap once you grab it." Perry said. "That would be the flute then. Let's go that way" Nick said.

"Ok we need to go through the door on the left." Perry said. "Are you sure. I feel like if we open the door it will be destroyed." Sophie said. "Yes trust me" Perry said. As they walked through the old door it locked behind them. "Shit. Well no turning back now" Newt said. As they rounded the bend they were suddenly in another room. Three doors now. It was a crossroad. "Go through the newer door" Perry said. They used the key again Machiavelli ran in. And the door locked him in. The key no longer worked on that door. Machiavelli has to find a way out. He walked down the hallway hoping it would loop back somewhere. And he came out the new door in the previous room. He walked back through the old door blasting it open and repaired it as soon as he was through. They heard a Bost and didn't know where it came from. They had their wand ready. Mach caught up with them and they lowered their wands. "It just goes through to the new door in the previous room." Machiavelli said.

"Well shit. Let's try the middle." Josh said. They walked through the middle door. As they went through it they could hear faint music. They were getting closer. They came up to a set of 5 doors all in a row at the end of the hallway in one big room. "Well we need 3 more keys to open the middle door. One person went through the 4 doors. They each faced something different. In the first one was a boggart. The second Cornish pixies, the third was locked, the fourth a werewolf, and the fifth is a mystery.

Joan went in the first door. She saw a piece of parchment that read. Defeat the boggart to get the key. Joan cast the spell on her boggart. The one who killed her husband. It transformed into a book. She looked at the book and laughed. The book turned into a key and she walked out of the door.

Newt went into the second door. He's s the bed with pixies because he's the best with beasts. He got the key after a few minutes and left the room. Him and Joan walk out at the same time.

Machiavelli went through the fourth door. He felt his skin tinkle. He was suddenly a werewolf. He felt with the other werewolf in just a few minute. He made it Wimper. He turned back human and said. "Wow how long it's been since I became a werewolf." He grabbed the key and began to walk out.

Josh went into the fourth. He didn't know what to expect so he walked in and saw a light on the key. He walked over to grab the key and walked out. Nothing bad happened. Josh and Machiavelli walked out at the same time.

They went to add the keys to the door. Sophie joined them. And turned them at the same time. He opened and they walked through. They came to a set of steps which led to a podium. They heard music. It was louder then before way louder. The polyjuice was wearing off. They didn't care because they will grab the flute and be gone in just a few minutes. " well Nick do you want to get it or one of us." Josh asked. "Be my guest try to get it with the summoning charm. If it doesn't work I'll get it." Nick said. "Accio Flute" Josh said. And the flute came down in a snap. The music suddenly stopped. They all Apparated out of the room the doors locked and they were out of the ministry before they were caught.

Now the question is how to destroy this flute.

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