The Next Horcrux

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They laid low in the cottage for a few days. They decided to go to the bank to see where the horcrux was.

"So I saw we check Virginia's vault. Sophie you need to look like her so we can access the vault." Josh said. "But won't they suspect you as being my brother." Sophie said. "No I'll say I'm a distant cousin and I'm here to get money out as well." Josh said. "But if your know what even though it sounds stupid. It might work. With the things that have been happening I'm sure it won't be as stupid as we think." Sophie said. "Don't worry I'm going as Risfell."Josh said.

They left for the bank and walked inside. It seemed more protected then usual. They saw Bill Weasley. "Look if you need my help I'm here." Bill said. So they asked for his help. They continued up to the main goblin. "I wish to enter my vault." Sophie said. "Madam Dare. " The goblin said. "Right this way". The goblin took Sophie to Dares vault with the help of Bill Weasley. They arrived and what they saw was a vault with loads of treasure. "Well Perry what is the horcrux." Josh asked. "That" Perry said pointing to a hand mirror on the top shelf in the vault. "Well how are we supposed to get it. It's to high." Sophie said. "Let me try." Dalton said. He had his stick from Drumstrang and attempted to reach it. "No you'll break it. We can't destroy it just yet. We just need to get it outta here. If we break it now they will know that we were here." Sophie said. "Fine" Dalton said. They had to move fast. Newt accidentally knocked over an item and it multiplied.

"Ummm. Guys. I think I found a way to get it." Newt said. They looked at him and he pointed to the object he knocked over. "They multiply" Josh said. "Yes it's the Gemino curse. It's put on items in every vault besides money. That would be counterfeiting." Bill said. "Hold on. Josh or Sophie get on my shoulders." Newt said. "Why is there a reason why" Josh said. "Just trust me. You always have trusted me. Why not this time?" Newt asked. "I'll do it." Sophie said. She climbed on Newts shoulder and sat down with her legs wrapped around Newts neck(not tightly). "Ok Sophie can you reach the mirror from there." Newt asked. "Almost I need a few more inches." Sophie said. Josh new what to do. "Engorgio."gosh said enlarging Sophie a few inches. "Thanks bro" Sophie said. "She grabbed the mirror and looked at it closely. She thought there was something familiar about it. As she climbed down off Newt she tripped and knocked over a lot of objects.

They were multiplying fast. "Reducio" Josh said returning Sophie to normal. "Thanks bit we need to go NOW!!" SophiE said. They rushed out of the vault and left the bank before anyone was trapped. Just as they left they heard a crash coming from the roof. It was a dragon with three people on it.

They apparated to an open field to discuss what is the next plan and where they needed to go. "So Perry do you know where we need to go next." Nick asked. "Yes Home. Hogwarts." Perry said. "Is it hidden somewhere that we know well." Nick asked. "Yes" Perry said.

They left on foot it took them a few days before they decided to Apparate into Hogsmeade. "At least we aren't wanted." Silvia said.

Sophie decided to look at the mirror and whispered "show me the beast" it showed the beast from beauty and the beast. She started humming the mob song. "What are you doing Sophie?" Nick asked. "Oh nothing" Sophie said.

They snuck into Hogwarts and went inside there secret bathroom.

Harry Potter and The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas FlamelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon