trapped again...

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I hate the sound of those Damn bells...

They are so...

I wince in pain as static fills my head replacing the jingle of bells. I reach up and hold my head tight. Warm, crimson liquid covers my hands from where I ran into a tree branch. As the static grows louder I begin to scream in pain.

I look up through tears to see Jason land on his knees next to me. He is talking but the static is to loud to hear him. He looks concerned and scared? I can't quite tell. I scream once again as another round of loud static fills my ears.

I feel Jason hold me close to him. His heart is racing, as if he was scared. He is making sharp, sudden movements with his free arm as if trying to scare something away. If only I could hear.

Soon a booming voice breaks the static.

"Who are you?" calm, loud and command answers.

Jason covers me with his body, protecting me from something. I can't see anymore, the static somehow clouded my view. Its like I'm sitting inches away from a broken television.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" the voice commands again clearly wanting answers.

"B-Bella Freeheart" I manage to choke out between the wincing and screams of pain that come from me. I soon begin to cough, hard.

"Why are you here?"

"I... I was b-brought s-somewhere... Then r-ran... S-somehow?" its getting hard to think, speak, and breath as the static gets louder and coughing becomes more violent.

Jason's hold on me becomes tighter then, his weight is lifted and pried away from me. I've gone limp and am being hoisted into the air by something wrapped around my waist. The static slowly clears.

Sounds slowly come to me. Sounds like, Jason screaming and yelling, the wind blowing, and those damn bells.

"Ple-... Her down.... Ender man!" Jason is pleading with someone. The static is still to loud to fully make it out.

I open my eyes and see Jason at least 5 feet below my feet. Jason is jumping to try to reach me like a cat reaching for a toy.

'His face is wet? Is he crying? N-no... That's red... Blood? That's right... My head is bleeding...'

I look to my waist and see something black wrapped around me. I follow the black to the source and see a suit. In the suit is a very pale, no, ghost white man. His face... Is blank.

'I feel like I've seen him somewhere. A dream? Maybe... I can't remember...'

I look back to Jason. Candy Pop is with him now. Candy Pop and kicking the being and it doesn't seem to be doing much.

Soon the two fall to the floor holding their heads, screaming in pain. I try to reach for Jason as the static fills my ears to the point I pass out.


Darkness once again.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now