The beginning part two

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Daddy has been gone all week since the fight. I try to keep to myself when he is gone so as to not aggravate mommy. I've been sitting in my room with my Jack in the box, playing with it in hopes Jack will visit. He has been acting strange lately, he is quiet, doesn't tell many jokes. I hope he is ok.

I suddenly hear a soft tap at my window. I quickly jump off my bed and run over. Looking between the blinds I see Jack, grinning and waving. I smile and open the window quietly, luckily there is no screen so Jack just climbs in.

"Hi Jack!" I say in an excited whisper.

"Hello Bella." He says back softly "are you alone tonight?"

"No, mama is home but papa is gone." I look at the ground "they had another fight about sally."

Jack grimaces at Sally's name "again?" He sits down slowly on my bed and pats his lap.

I nod and climb onto his lap. "They are fighting more and more. Papa has been gone all week. I wish he would come home, mama is so mean to me. I'm hungry but she won't feed me." Tears begin falling down my face.

Jack pets my hair and rests my head on his chest. "Shhh. Hush now. No need to cry. I'm sure he will come home soon." He pulls candy out his pocket and offers it to me. "No one likes a salty child." He chuckles softly.

I giggle and take a piece of candy. "Are you feeling better Jack?"

"What do you mean jelly bean?" He tilts his head a bit.

"Well," I start slowly "you seemed grumpy lately. You hadn't told a lot of jokes and you don't smile as much as before."

Jack gets quiet for a bit. "Hmm how to put this..." he thinks for a minute as I look up at him. "Something has happened to an old friend of mine recently and I suppose that I'm feeling bad about it."

"Why do you feel bad? Is it because you haven't talked to them in a long time?" I eat another piece of candy.

"That is true. It's been a very long time since I talked to him." Jack looks at the window. "He also hurt a lot of people and was a bad person. I feel like it was my fault."

"How could you be the reason he did something bad. It's not like you forced him to do bad things." I play with the black and white fur on his shoulders.

"You know how I don't want your mama and papa to know about me?" I nod in response as I shove another piece of candy in my mouth. "Well his mama and papa found out about me because I didn't hide. And because of that they sent him away. I don't know what happened when he went away but when he came back he wasn't the same."

"Then that is their fault."

Jack looked at me surprised "what do you mean?"

"It's not your fault the parents freaked out. And it's not your fault he changed. Everyone makes their own decisions, whether those choices are good or bad is not your fault." I smile at Jack. "So it's not your fault!"

Jack stared at me for a bit then laughed "how are you so smart for a six year old?"

"Hey! I'm almost seven!" I laugh and shove him a bit.

"Oh goodness aren't you getting old!" Jack began to tickle me with his fingers. Normally he has claws but he puts them away when he is with me.

I laugh loudly and squirm "no! No tickles! Mama might hear me!"

Jack sighs happily and stops. "You are right. I am sorry."

"Its ok Jack!" I give Jack a big hug "and I promise no matter what happens I will never turn bad or forget you!"

Jack hesitates but hugs back "thanks kid." He lays me down and tucks me in. "Get some rest, if I see your dad I'll tell him to come back." And with that Jack leaves out the window, closing it behind him.

I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about my birthday in three weeks.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ