The middle, the friend

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When I woke up I was still on the kitchen floor and it was dark out. I sat up slowly and looked around. The candles were out, there were twelve empty beer cans on the table, the sink was full of water, the pantry had been left cracked open, and just in front of me sat the bunny Jason had given me. I stare at the bunny for a moment, how had it gotten out here? I reach over and gently pick up the bunny, holding it in my arms I hug it tightly and stand up.

There was a foul stench coming from the living room and snoring as well. I slowly tip toe into the living room and see my mother passed out on the floor in a pool of vomit. My nose scrunches at the smell, it was horrific. I make my way back to my room with bunny in hand. I close and lock the door behind me and look around, my room was just as I had left it.

I look at the bunny in my hands, "how did you get out there?" The bunny stared back at me with its button eyes. It reminded me of Jack's box that I used to use to summon him.

I sat the bunny on my bed and I sat next to it. I looked into it's eyes, "Come to me Jason." A moment passed and nothing happened. I sighed softly and looked at the ground, "I figured it wouldn't work." I thought for a moment and looked at the bunny that had now flipped over. "Unless I'm not saying it right."

I looked around my room, if he worked in a toy store and liked toys then maybe I needed more toys to summon him. With Jack I had to sing 'pop goes the weasel' and play his Jack in the box. I quickly got up and gathered what small amount of toys I had, I put them all in the middle of my room with the bunny on top. I stepped back and took a deep breath.

"Come to me Jason." The bunny flopped over again. I sighed heavily. I had to be close. "Jason. How do I call to you? You didn't seem human, but you weren't like Jack either." I picked up the bunny and sat on my bed. "Unless you aren't and I'm just lonely." I hugged the bunny tightly. "Im alone, im scared, I don't know what to do Jason. I don't want to be here. I miss Jack, and my dad, a-and..." I start to cry heavily into the bunny.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my back, I jump up quickly and step away. I look and see Jason sitting on my bed. My jaw drops and my eyes well up with tears. He smiles sadly at me and extends his arms for a hug. Without a second thought I quickly run to him and hug him tightly, sobbing into his chest. He softly pets my head and holds me gently. "Shhh, I have you, you will be ok."

I cried in his arms for a while, it felt good to cry in a safe place for the first time in a long time. After I finished crying, which he patiently waited for, I wiped my face off with my sleeve and took some deep breaths.

He gently picked me up and placed me on his knee where he looked into my eyes. "I heard you calling, crying. What happened?"

I look up at him and sniffle, "I don't know." I looked down at the bunny, I didn't know where to start. "My mommy isn't my mama? My papa is dead? My sister is my mama and she is dead too? My mama hates me? I'm so confused!" Tears started streaming down my face again. "I'm only seven, I don't understand why this is happening. I miss papa! I miss Jack! I don't want to be here!" I began sobbing again.

Jason pulled me close, "shhh it's ok. Why don't you tell me about Jack? What is he like?"

I sniffled and talked between sobs. "W-well, he is tall, like really tall. Talker then you even! He has white skin and black hair, a long pointy nose with blue eyes, and he wears black and white."

Jason looked at me a little shocked. "Wait a moment, are you talking about Laughing Jack?"

I smiled, "You know him!? Where is he? Is he ok!?"

Jason got a sour look on his face. "I know him."

My smile faded a bit "what's wrong? Do you not like Jack?"

"Not really," Jason looked out the window then back at me. "We don't get along."

"Oh," I look down at the ground.

"Was he nice to you? Did he ever hurt you or scare you?" Jason stands up with me in his arms.

"He was trying to be scary at first but then he heard mama and papa act and said 'you have your own monsters to fear, you don't need another.' Then he became my friend and came whenever I called or cried." I looked around as Jason walked around my room to a blue door that was now where my closet was. "Where are we going?"

Jason smiled a little, "To my work shop where all my toys are. I don't like Jack but I can agree to what he said, you don't need more monsters in your life."

"Are you and Jack monsters?" I stare up at Jason a little worried.

Jason opens the door which opens up to a colorful toy factory, and he smiles at me. "Of course not dear, monsters hurt people. Jack and I are nice to you, so we are not monsters, we are your friends."

My eyes widen as I look around at all the colors and toys. "Woah!"

"And since you are my friend, you are welcome to my workshop anytime you would like." He boops the bunny's nose and smiles. "Just hug this bunny tight and say my name, 'Jason the toy maker'"

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن