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After what felt like hours there was a knock on the door. Fearing the worst I remained quiet and thankfully Lillian stayed asleep. The door knob jiggled and there was more knocking. I held Lillian close to me.

Finally a voice. "Bella? Bella are you in there?" It sounded like Jason but it was distorted.

I felt sick to my stomach because I couldn't tell who it was.

"Open the door BELLA." The voice growled through the door.

I could feel my blood run cold and an urge to run but there was no where to run too.

"Bellaaaa. Pleeeease open the dooooor." A static filled the air as the voice became further distorted.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I held Lillian close to me. I scanned the room for somewhere to hide but the room was too open.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a tentacle slither under the door. I scramble to my feet and move away from the door. I back up until I hit the table with all of Jason's tool.

As the tentacle slowly climbs the door to the locks I feel around the table behind me. My fingers slowly feel each tool, searching for something sharp. I dare not look away from the tentacles for fear they might change direction and come at me.

Eventually I come across a hammer. Holding it tightly in my free hand I creep close to the single tentacle that has made its way to the lowest lock. I hold my breath and swing the hammer.

The hammer crushes a section of the tentacle causing a distorted scream from the other side of the door. The tentacle retracts quickly and pounding on the door ensues. I drop the hammer and back up completely to the back wall, Lillian now screaming and crying.

The pounding begins to cave in the door slowly, it was only moments before he would break through. In my panic I trip over Mr. Glutton. Sitting on the floor the stuffed snake raises up and stares at me. He opens his mouth and jesters for me to climb in.

Without hesitation of what might happen, I quickly crawl into the large stuffed snakes mouth. It was a tight squeeze but I manage to crawl Lillian and myself far into the snake's stomach. There were rotting dolls being digested further in but it seemed as though the snake protected us from the dangers of its insides. Once I'm settled I calm Lillian and the snake settles back into its resting position.

I hear the door break down and static fills the air, I cover Lillian's ears and sacrifice my own to the sounds. The stomping of angry footsteps come dangerously close to us, a table is loudly tossed.

"Bellaaaa, where are you Bella!?"

I hold my breath for fear of being found and thankfully Lillian stays quiet. After what feels like forever, Slenderman leaves but Mr. Glutton doesn't let me out. Moments later footsteps return to the room.

"B-bella?" Jason's voice whispered into the room.

Mr. Glutton didn't move to let me out, I wanted to call out to Jason but my voice was caught in my throat. It was starting to become unbearably hot inside the stuffed snake and the smell of the rotting bodies was starting to get to me. I was becoming nauseous and lightheaded. I moved a bit to adjust as my arms were becoming cramped.

"There you are!" A static filled voice filled the room and heavy footsteps started coming towards me.

Mr. Glutton, without warning, slithers quickly from his spot. He had troubles bending around obstacles with me and Lillian inside of him. Thankfully his stuffing protected me from any bumps he might have taken. He zigs and zags, twists and turns to the best of his ability to ensure he remained out of SlenderMan's grasp. His heavy tail thumps, more then likely trying to hit Slender, he hisses and lunges too. He was trying his hardest to protect me.

But sadly it wasn't enough.

SlenderMan grabbed Mr. Glutton and split him in two. I fell out of the stuffed snake, who was now as limp as a rag doll, onto the hard floor, landing shoulder first. I groaned and quickly sat up, clutching Lillian, who was now wailing, to my chest.

As I scrambled to stand SlenderMan towered over me. Ten tendrils protruding from his back, he stepped toward me.

"Enough games girl, hand me the child." He extends one of his large hands toward me.

"NEVER! I WON'T LET YOU TAKE MY BABY!" I try to run but his tendrils block my path.

"Now Bella, I won't ask again." His static filled voice pierces my skull giving me a splitting headache. "I've tried being nice, but it seems that's not enough."

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now