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"If I can't kill you then I will take what you love." I look up to see a tendril coming at me.

I raise my arms to block and close my eyes.


The sound of the tendril colliding with something solid. I open my eyes to see Mr. Glutton partially impaled while shielding me.

A squeak to my left, a red mouse climbing up the tendril holding me.


The mouse explodes causing Slender to shriek out in pain, dropping me to the ground.

Landing with a hard thud, I groan. Looking up I see Licorice in front of me, running in circles wanting me to follow.

Scrambling to my feet, trying to ignore the pain shooting through my body, I follow the little black mouse.

I look back to see Jason in his true form clashing with SlenderMan and Mr. Glutton helping him. Mr. Glutton seemed to be reinforced with stronger material.

I hurry after the little black mouse that wishes to guide me to safety. With documents in my hand I run.

Down the halls and through open doors, past people and creatures one would only hear of in ghost stories. Some chased, and more red mice would attack them.

Explosions filled this place with screams not far behind. But escaping alive was the only thing on my mind. Jason would surely survive, he can't be killed as long as the box is safe. I had to get home. I had to protect the box.

Bursting out the front door and into the woods I scrambled to keep up with the little wind up mouse. My breathing was quick and my body began to sweat, running was never my forte. But the adrenaline in my blood pushed my to run faster as my life was on the line.

I tried my hardest to dodge branches and go over logs, but my dress got in the way. At one point my dress ripped from catching on a thorn bush. My legs got scratched and so did my arms, I fell many times.

After a fall I struggle to catch my breath, the mouse urging me to go on. I was feeling dizzy and nauseous from all the running. I had to stop, I couldn't go on.

I close my eyes and pray for a miracle.



Jingle jingle

BELLS! Candy pop!

I stand up with the support of the tree. "Candy pop!" I call out into the dark woods. "I'm here!"

The bells stopped then rapidly got closer. In just a few short moments Candy pop came into view. He hurried to my side and looked me over.

"Are you severely hurt anywhere?" He asked as he noticed my torn dress.

"A few nicks and cuts here and there, a possible bruise too. But that's not important, I need-"

He cuts me off. "I know, to get to the box."

Without warning he scoops me up in his arms and holds me close. The mouse crawls up his leg and settles on my chest.

In seconds we are traveling at top speeds through the woods.

"Candy pop," I look up at him, the wind blowing my hair everywhere. "Will Jason be ok?"

He glances at me then back to the woods. "As long as you and the box are safe he will be fine. Once you are home and safe I will go back to assist him."

"But is the home really safe?"

Candy pop grows quiet. Shortly we arrive at the house. He kicks in the front door and sets me down. "This way."  He takes my hand and pulls me to his room.

I look around, shaking. "Why in your room?"

He claps his hands and the wax dolls around the room come to life. "They will protect you. Where is the box?"

"It's in our room. On the dresser."

Candy pop leaves and returns a moment later with the box. He hands it to me and turns to leave.

I grab his arm. "Wait,"

He looks at me. "What's wrong?"

"Please make sure Jason comes back, and stay safe."

Candy pop smiles at me. "I will and thank you."

Candy pop hurries out the room and all falls quiet.

I sit on his bed and watch as the wax dolls slowly surround me and stay on guard.

The room is dark. Everything is quiet. Hours tick by agonizingly slow.

The sun begins to peek over the horizon through the dirty window as dawn broke. The birds chirp their morning songs. My eyes burn as I hadn't slept in fear something would happen.

The wax dolls still stood, still surrounding me, still guarding me. The silence that filled the air around them was unsettling and unbearable.

Licorice had been up with me all night, listening for any sound that could prove dangerous. The poor little mouse didn't seem to be built for being awake this long as I had to wind him up a few times through the night.

As the morning dragged on into the afternoon hours I became increasingly concerned and hungry. But any attempt I tried to make to leave and get food the wax dolls protested by blocking any path to leave. My stomach growled.

With the light of the sun as my candle I finally look to the documents I managed to snatch.

Lillian Meyer

Mother: Bella Meyer
Father: Jason Meyer

Age: less then a year

Occupation: none

Powers/skills: unknown

Status: active

Species: unknown

Gender: female

Under watch and development of [REDACTED] at [REDACTED]

"Damn it. This paper is useless" I mutter to myself. "How will we find her now?" I sigh softly and look to Licorice. "I hope Jason and Candy are ok."

I rub my shoulder from where I had fallen, my whole body was sore. My legs burned from the cuts and scrapes from the bushes and trees. My dress was dirty and torn.

I pat Licorice softly. "Do you think you can find me something to clean my wounds with? I don't want the wounds getting infected.

Licorice gave a small squeak and hastily hurried off. A while later the small mouse came back with a small box, a first aid kit.

With a smile and a pat I take the kit from him and clean my wounds. They stung and burned as I cleaned and wrapped them. Once they were taken care of I set the kit aside and laid down.

I hadn't noticed until now that candy pops bed smelled heavily of rubber and copper, most likely blood. But I was too exhausted to care for the time being. I closed my eyes and prayed for Jason and Candy pop's safe return. I held the blue box close to my chest and Licorice nestled in my hair. As I slowly drifted off to sleep as a sudden wave of dread washed over me. I couldn't help but feel so useless.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now