The truth comes out.

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I wake up the next day still in the soft and cozy bed, I almost didn't want to leave it. I sit up and for once my back didn't hurt. I look around the room still in awe of how wonderful it looks. I pick up the bunny from the bed and hop off of it. I look at my clothes and realize that they are rather old and dirty. I run to the closet and throw open the door, I walk inside and look around, I pick out a red dress with pink lace and straps. I turn the bunny to face the wall as I undress. I toss my old torn up dress into the trash and slide the new dress over my head. The design of the dress was very different standard clothing I saw in day to day life, so simple, light, and breathable.

I pick up the bunny with a smile and walk out the closet, shutting the door behind me. I happily skip out of my room and look around, trying to determine where Jason was. Down the hall I could hear talking and so I followed the voices until I was in range of making out what was being said.

"No, I get that Jason but what I don't understand is why you insist on keeping her here knowing good and well it's dangerous for her." Candy pop sounded highly agitated and must have been pacing back and forth because I could hear the bells on him continuously jingle.

"I don't see why I have to explain myself to you. You've never cared before when I brought someone here and it was dangerous. So why now?" Jason sounded angry with Candy pop. Why was it so dangerous?

"Because this one is a child! Children get into trouble all the time! Children don't listen! And children are fragile, you of all people should know that." Candy pops voice is getting louder "And I care so much about this one because you do and I don't want to see you get hurt again."

"Oh NOW you care about me! Now you care about if I get hurt or not! Where was this 'care' when Amelia happened?"

"I didn't know you back then! What am I supposed to do? Go back in time and stop you from becoming her friend?"

"Just butt out would you!? If slender man comes around I'll take care of it."

"And how do you plan on doing that without scaring the absolute shit out of her? You know she will fear you once she sees your true form Jason. All kids fear monsters."

"I don't know." Jason sounded a bit defeated "I-I'll think of something."

"And another thing," Candy pop got a bit quieter. "How do you plan on telling her what you learned from Jack?"

Jason didn't say anything for a while. But when he spoke again it sounded like his voice was breaking. "I-I'm not s-sure."

"Jason, dude, maybe you should bring her back when she is older. Then you can sit her down and explain everything." Candy Pop's voice was sympathetic. "And if you want to be safe you can have slender erase her memories of everything but the bunny and you, so then when she is older she will remember you and that you were her friend."

Silence filled the room, it was so quiet that when Licorice ran by it scared a squeak out of me. I heard quick footsteps coming too the door and I panicked. I tried to run to hide but I stubbed my toe on a table and fell to the ground. When Jason and Candy pop came out of the kitchen I was sitting on the ground holding my foot, trying not to cry. Jason almost looked like he was about to cry as well.

Jason knelt down next to me and looked at my foot. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"I got scared by Licorice and ran into the table." It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth. "I remembered you told me to stay away from him without you around."

"Jason," Candy pop looked down at us, from down on the ground he looked gigantic. "You need to tell her."

I looked at Jason, acting confused, "Tell me what?"

Jason took a deep breath and picked me and the bunny up. He carried me into the kitchen and set me down in a chair with the bunny on the table. He calmly took a seat next to me and held my hands. "Bella, it pains me greatly to say this but..." He couldn't finish his sentence and his voice had started to crack.

I give a sad smile. "It's ok Jason, I heard what Candy pop said." Jason and Candy pop both looked at me in surprise. I looked down at my feet. "I overheard you two talking, and I was already prepared to not be able to stay here for long. I am sad that I have to forget this place for a while but if it means I get to come back to be with you," I look at Jason with tears falling from my face and a smile. "I will do anything necessary."

Jason stood up and hugged me tightly, "I'm sorry. I didn't take into account your safety when bringing you here. It is too dangerous for you to stay. More dangerous than being with your grandmother."

I hugged Jason back tightly then looked up at him. "Before you erase my memories, can you tell me what Jack told you?"

Jason nodded. "You deserve to know even if you forget it. Let's go to the living room."

Jason helped me down off the chair and handed me my bunny. Taking me by the hand he led me past Candy pop, who had been leaning on the wall by the door, and too the living room. Candy pop followed and once again stood by the door as Jason helped me onto the green couch. Jason sat next to me but didn't look at me, almost afraid of what needed to be said.

Taking a deep breath, Jason began. "This is what Jack told me, so if it upsets you please be mad at him and not me."

I nodded. "I won't be mad at you."

Jason smiled slightly. "It was about 20 years ago when rainbow Jack was formed to be the friend of a young boy named Isaac. Isaac was friends with your mother as well back then. After Isaac got in trouble for something Jack did he was sent away where he changed drastically. Isaac had forgotten about Jack and Sally during that time. When Jack was found, now called laughing jack, Isaac had already raped your mother, that is how you were born. Your mother wasn't ready to be a mother so she gave custody to her mother and father, your grandmother and grandfather, the ones who raised you. When Sally went missing it's because Isaac had found her and kidnapped her. He then killed her when she refused to tell him where you were. Jack, upset with the death of Sally, killed Isaac. Jack however was tainted by all the death and now he goes around killing children, all but you because you are the child of his two best friends. He wishes to protect. But when you moved the box he gave you lost it's connection with him and so he couldn't find you." He finally looked at me. "I'm sorry you had to find all of this out so young."

I didn't know what to say or do so I sat there thinking for a while. Finally I looked at Jason. "What about papa? How did he die?"

Jason though for a moment "oh, yes. Jack did mention him as well. He got into an accident on a rainy day and didn't make it."

Jason glanced at Candy pop who suddenly looked uncomfortable. I looked to him as well. He threw his hands up in defense "look I was only doing my job ok!?"

"What do you mean?" I ask hesitantly, worried about the answer.

Candy pop looked away from me and rubbed the back of his neck. "D-don't look at me like that kid."

I stand up on the couch. "What did you do to my papa!" I could feel tears stinging my eyes threading to fall again.

Jason grabbed my hand, "Bella, why don't you sit down."

"No!" I shout "my papa is dead! And I want to know what happened!" By now a few tears have escaped "He was the only one who cared about me and now he is gone! Sally didn't even love me, she didn't even like me!" I'm fighting back the sobs now as I turn back to Candy pop "WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

"I took his soul ok!? Happy now?" Candy pop shouted back at me with a demonic growl in his voice. "I killed him! Is that what you want to hear?"

I stood there stunned, unsure of what to do or say. Jason stood up and held me while yelling at Candy pop. Jason smelled of copper. I couldn't hear what they were saying because my head hurt and was too noisy, like it was filled with static. The last thing I remember before passing out was a tall dark figure appearing in the room.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now