Back to the factory.

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We arrive as the factory shortly after leaving wherever Slender-man was holding me. Jason shuts the door behind us and sets me down. After undoing my eyes he looks me over once more.

"Why did you run? That was dangerous." Jason didn't sound mad, at least not at me. He sounded sad. "Do you want to leave this place? Do you want to leave me?" His grip on my arms tightened.

"N-no." I look around the room and see we are in a red and pink room. "Candy pop was chasing me, I thought he was going to kill me." I look into Jason's glowing eyes. "I don't want to leave, not here, and definitely not you. Not ever."

Jason's eyes return to a soft yellow color and his grip loosens. He smiles softly "that makes me happy to hear." He gives me a brief hug then let's me go. "Do you recognize this room at all?"

I look around once more, it does have an air of familiarity to it. "Sort of, like a foggy dream. I can feel I've been here before but I can't remember fully."

Jason smiles more "Wonderful!" He claps his hands together "With time your memories shall return, until then I will help you."

"My memories? What do you mean?" I looked at him highly confused as to what he meant.

"Oh yes, that's right." Jason tapped his chin with his finger. "You have been here before Bella, but you were very young when it happened. You were only seven back then." He walks over to the little bed and sits down, he pats the spot next to him.

I walk over and sit next to him. "Can you tell me more? How did I lose my memory?"

"Of course my dear." He smiles at me. "But first," he pulls out the bunny from almost thin air. "I believe this is yours."

I smile and hug the bunny "thank you, I thought I lost this. I would be so upset if something happened to it again."

"Back when you were seven, on your seventh birthday actually, we met in a toy store, my toy store. You were going through quite a lot back then and I could feel your pain. With the death of your mother and the separation of your grandparents you were very unhappy."

"Hold on." I interrupt him. "But didn't you just kill my mother? And I never knew my grandparents."

"Ah, yes, you don't remember those conversations." He thought for a moment before continuing. "You see, you are a child of rape. Your mother, Sally, was unable to care for you as her child and so her and your grandparents, the ones you called mother and father, decided it best for you to believe you were Sally's sister and raised you as such."

I looked at the ground trying to process everything. I didn't want to believe it was true but something deep inside me knew what he said was true. I felt a mix of emotions all at once. Anger, sadness, disbelief, and strangely relief. It was as if the missing piece of a puzzle was found. Suddenly my head began pounding and I clutch my head in my hands. I feel Jason's hand on my back as memories flooded my mind. Everything from that time became clear to me. I remembered the abuse, I remember the fights, I remember feeling so alone. I remember meeting Jason and feeling safe for once in my life. I also remember the deal that was made when I had to leave the factory, the deal where I gave up my memories for a chance to return one day.

With tears in my eyes I look to Jason who was worried. "I r-remember now." My voice was shaky as I fought against the lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. "I remember everything." Jason held my hands as I spoke. "I remember the fights. I remember the news. I remember you coming to get me. I-" my blood ran cold. "Jack." I hop up off the bed "I-I remember Jack!"

Jason began to frown as he stood up. "What about Jack? Why is he suddenly important?"

I looked at Jason with panic on my face. "I forgot him. I promised I wouldn't. I promised we would always be friends. I-I have to find him!" I look around then back to Jason. "Can you take me back to my old house? The one I lived in before moving? Jacks box is there. I have to get to him. I have to-"

Jason grabbed my arms suddenly and his eyes were glowing green, he looked angry. "Are you going to abandon me for that clown? Are you going to betray me just like everyone else? I thought you were different then that!" Jason growled as his nails grew into sharp claws.

I winced in pain as he gripped my arms tighter. "N-no, I just-"

"Then forget about that clown!" Jason yelled.

I flinched at Jason's raised voice and tears came to my eyes as my arms began to bleed. "Y-you're hurting me..." my voice shook with fear and pain.

Jason's eyes quickly went back to gold and he released me with an alarmed look on his face. "Bella, I-"

I took a step back away from him as I held my arms. My body was trembling and my breathing was shaking. I had seen his true form before but never turned against me. Jason reached towards me but I backed away from his clawed hand. Tears fell from my face once more as I looked to the ground.

"I'm sorry Bella. I didn't mean to hurt you." Jason pleaded with me. "Let me make it up to you, I'll do anything."

Anger suddenly built up in my chest and I glared at Jason. "Let me see Jack. Just one last time." My voice quivered but I stood my ground as blood dripped from my arms.

Jason looked angry but only for a moment as he saw the blood fall. "Alright, but first let's get you bandaged." Jason slowly reached for me again, this time with normal hands.

I let Jason treat my wounds before he left to go find Jack. I stayed in my room staring at the bunny on my bed. I gently picked it up and sat it on a shelf on the opposite side of the room, it almost looked sad as I set it down.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now