Will this work out?

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For days, weeks even, I stayed locked in Jason's room. Jason would come in a few times a day to bring me food and try to talk to me, but I refused to speak to him. There were days I refused to even eat. I just laid in the bed either crying or sleeping. I had no motivation or energy to move further then the bathroom to use it, except showering or bathing.

I kept all the lights off and all the windows closed. I didn't want to see the empty crib that sat in the corner, but I didn't want to remove it either. Though my baby was alive, she was gone. I didn't even get to say goodbye. She was ripped from my arms, crying and screaming. I can still hear her cries when I close my eyes. Her cries haunt me, keeping me awake at night. The wailing that I was left with is unbearable. I wasn't even allowed to comfort her to send her off calmly.

Jason was of no help, allowing that to happen. He is unforgivable, but I know with time I will forgive him eventually. But for now, I hate him.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I pull the blanket over my head to block out any light coming from the hall or the candle he brings into the room. Soft footsteps fill the room as he comes closer to me, stopping next to the bed.

"Bella." His low, sweet voice washes over my stiff body. "My love." He sits on the bed and I hear the clink of the candle be set down on the nightstand next to me.

Out of spite I kick him in his side causing him to groan. "Get out. I don't want to talk to you still." My voice was wobbly as I tried to hold back my tears.

He sighs softly and placed a hand on my hip, causing me to jolt a bit. "I know you don't want to speak with me, and I fully understand that, but you don't have to carry it all. Humans aren't made to be solitary creatures. I want to help in some way." His hand moves and gently takes the blanket from my face. "Talk to me, please. Hit me if you'd like, cut me if it makes you feel better. I hate seeing you like this. You've been in here for almost two months, and some weeks you don't eat." He kneels on the ground next to my head. "Please Bella, I'm hurting too. But I want to see you happy and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get your smile back."

I look away from him and my stomach ties itself in knots. "I want my baby back Jason. But you can't do that for me, can you?"

He pressed his lips together and shut his eyes. His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. When he opened his eyes again they were glossy. "I will do what I can." His voice was hesitant but determined. "But first I would like to give you something, if I may."

I force myself to sit up, still refusing eye contact. My hair was a tangled mess and the weight of the bags under my eyes made my face feel heavy. I turn slightly to Jason, enough to see his hands, and see he was holding a small, blue box. Curious I glance at him, he had a weak smile on his lips.

He got up on the bed and sat next to me, placing the box in my lap. "Go ahead, open it."

I turned my attention to the blue box in my lap and ran my fingers over the finely detailed designs on it. I trace the edges of the box to the corners and slowly open it. Soft music began to play upon opening it. The inside was lined with red velvet fabric, fuzzy and soft, and laying in the box was a small doll of Jason. I picked up the doll and turned it over in my hands, it was an exact replica of him.

"Wha-," I cleared my throat, "what is this?" I ask and turn to him.

He places a soft and gentle hand under mine. "This is my heart and soul. Literally." He moves closer to me. "But there is something more."

I then took notice I've a much smaller, red box inside the blue one. Placing the Jason doll down I pick up the small box. I glance to Jason then open the box. There, inside the small red box, sat a diamond ring. I almost drop the box when I see it.

"I know this probably isn't the greatest time or the most ideal setting for this but," Jason gets off the bed and kneels down on one knee. "Bella, will you marry me? We can work things out, I'll talk with SlenderMan and see what I can do about the whole Lillian situation. Please Bella, I love you with every fiber of my being and I am willing to literally give you my heart to prove it."

I stare at the ring for a moment and close my eyes. "Jason," I stammered, "I... I am barely holding on without her. I'm not fine and I don't," I take a shaky deep breath in, "I don't know if I ever will be fine. I have no fight left in me."

"Then let me help you Bella." He grabs my hands, "let me be here for you. Don't push me away, not anymore. Let me be your shoulder to cry on and I promise we can make it through this together. I know you don't trust me right now, I get that, but please trust me when I say I will make this better somehow. You are not alone in this my love, I'm here for you, whenever you need me."

"I..." My voice catches in my throat as I squeeze his hands.

He sits next to me and pulls me in close to hold me. I resist at frost but then my body moves on it's own and I put all my weight into him.

"I hate you Jason." I whines and tears streamed down my face.

He rocked me softly and stroked my head. "I know. And you don't have to forgive me anytime soon. But I know you still love me deep down. And I swear I'll do things differently this time."

He held me as I cried for hours. Rocking me, comforting me, combing softly through my hair, until I finally fell asleep due to exhaustion.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now