The middle, the meet.

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A week from my birthday mama and I left our home and moved else where. I sat in the back seat staring out the window, wondering if Jack would be ok. I hadn't seen him since that night no matter what I did. Daddy stayed behind to try to continue the case. I would have told them what I knew but they would have questioned how I knew and I would have had to tell them about Jack, but I didn't want to get Jack in trouble.

As we rode into our new town we drove past a toy store, small for a large town. Mama pointed at it and said "we will have your party there, a great way to get you to meet new friends."

I simply nodded as she talked. I didn't want new friends, I wanted Jack.

Days passed as we unpacked everything and mama got my party set up. She talked to a lot of people. Soon it was my birthday, but I was still unhappy. I wore a pretty red dress that I picked out. My hair was in a short bob cut, mama kept it short cause it was easier to deal with. We got ready and head out.

Mama was all excited to meet new people, though I knew she just wanted pity about Sally. It felt like she didn't even care for me. I wish I was back home with papa and Jack.

We arrived at the toy store and tied up the horses. Mama turned to me and said "now don't embarrass me. If you somehow mess this up for me you are grounded for a year." I simply nodded and looked at my feet.

We walked into the store and everyone yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

It startled me at first and I gave a shy smile. There were opened presents on the table and four different cakes, there were little boys and girls all around my age already running around the store playing with toys. It's like I was late to someone else's party. I go to turn to mama but she was already gone, talking to the other adults.

I looked around slowly, there were a lot of toys but none of them looked very fun. I walk up and down toy isles trying to find someone to play with but every time I found someone they would just glare at me then run away. After a while I gave up and sat at the back of the store, I pulled my knees to my chest and began to cry.

A few minutes later I heard a soft voice talk to me. "Excuse me young lady? Are you alright?"

I look up to be greeted with a friendly smile from a young man kneeling in front of me. I wipe my face on my arm and sniffle "I think so..." I responded quietly.

The young man handed me a handkerchief and smiled sadly. "You don't look alright. Why are you back here crying?" He slowly made his way to my side and sat down.

I use the handkerchief to dry my eyes and face. "W-well, it's my birthday today this is supposed to be my party but..." I look at a pair of kids as they run past, laughing and throwing things at each other. "I'm alone. I'm new here and I don't know anyone and no one wants to be my friend." My voice began to quiver. "I want to g-go home to papa and j-Jack. I don't w-want to b-be here." I start to cry again but I try to keep my voice down.

The man almost begins to panic "hey it's ok." He looks around real quick "hey do you like magic?"

I look at him and nod. "Mhm"

He smiles softly. "Ok but first, my name is Jason. What is your name?"

I smile a little bit "Bella."

Jason smiles and pulls a bunny out of nowhere. It was red and cream colored. "Here you go Bella. A gift for a very special girl on a very special birthday."

My eyes light up as I slowly take the bunny "oh wow really!? Are you sure I can have it?"

Jason placed a gene hand on my head and smiled more "of course my dear, just for you."

I hug the bunny and smile at Jason "thank you! I haven't gotten a gift since Jack gave me-"


My mom came storming down the isle we were at. She stared at me with Jason and stomped over to us. She quickly ripped the bunny from my arms and threw it to the ground. "I have been looking for you everywhere young lady!"

Jason stands up and smiles softly at her "many apologies ma'am, little Bella here wasn't very happy and so I was cheering her up."

My mom points at Jason "you stay away from her you pedofile!" She grabs me by the arm and begins to drag me away, I didn't even have time to stand.

Jason quickly followed "ma'am I assure you I am no pedofile. In fact I-"

She cut him off "I don't give a damn who you are! No grown man should talk to a child alone!" She pulled me to the crowd of mothers with their children and she proceeded to yell at me. "I told you not to embarrass me and you go off crying and talking to strange grown men!? Do you want to get kidnapped? Do you want to die like Sally did?! All you ever have to do is listen to what I say! I should have left you with your father you good for nothing welp!"

Tears streamed down my face as she screamed and yelled at me in front of everyone, including Jason. He was holding the bunny he gave me, and while there was pity on his face, there was also hatred in his eyes.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now