someone help me!!!

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My breathing quickens more when I hear him shut the door, as much as I want to try to run away I stayed still. As he continues to walk I move my hands to try to figure out what is keeping them shut. 'There is nothing there!!??' I start to claw at my eyes trying to pry the open. All of a sudden one of Jason's hands grabs both of my wrists and holds them tightly as he forcibly pulls them away from my face.

"Please don't do that Bella, You will hurt yourself." He sounds agitated "Your eyes will return to normal soon enough." He places my hands on my chest and releases them. I then hear another door open and he sets me on what I can only guess is a bed. I stay still and silent scare of what might happen next, but to my surprise his foot steps walk away. "Just know I'm doing this for you Bella." He says to me calmly before shutting the door.

As soon as the door locks my eyes fly open and I have to take a minute to let my eyes adjust. Once they do I can see that I am in a dimly lit room filled with stuffed toys and really large, colorful hammers. I quickly look for an escape but the only way out is the locked door. Knowing it was locked I still rush over and try to open it. I can hear my heart in my ears. It rings loudly like a bell tower"s bell on the hour. I start to bang on the door frantically and scream at the top of my lungs "JASON!!! PLEASE LET ME GO!!!!" I can feel the tears stream down my face. I go silent when I realize he won't respond. Trying to calm down I take a look around. "S-so many toys... W-why am I here... W-why did h-he bri-" I seem to lose my voice when I see my bunny sitting at the head of the bed. I quickly wipe my face and run to it. I pick it up and look it over. There isn't a rip, scratch, or even a sign of a tear. He must have fixed it before he brought me here. I start to cry unsure what I should do. I climb into the bed and curl up under the covers, they smell a little funny, but I was to tired to care. As I fight sleep I clutch the bunny tightly to my chest. Eventually my body and mind gives into sleep and I quickly drift of with only two words on my mind. Why me?


I was sound asleep when the sound of the door unlocking woke me up. I open my eyes only to find I am still in the room Jason had placed me in. I was about to sit up and speak when I heard the jingle of bells. Terrified as to what might happen if I moved I remain still and pretend to be asleep.  I hear a loud, deep sigh and something really heavy hit the floor with a thud. Soon foot steps start to approach the bed. I hold my breath when the foot steps stop. "What the?" This is not Jason's voice!!!!! Its much deeper and very different. Next thing I know the covers are ripped from me. "A human!? HEH! Jason brought me a new toy."

I slowly look at him. His grin shows sharp pointed teeth, his eyes are a glowing purple that fade to pink in the center, dark blue hair pulled back in three ponytails and bells at the end, his skin was a pale grey-blue kind of color, purple circles on his cheeks, pointed ears like an elf only longer, black make up around his eyes designed to look like slash marks, and jester clothes covered in....... "B-Blood..." My eyes widen to the size of saucers as I back myself to the head of the bed. He quickly grabs me by the left ankle and starts to pull me off the bed. I quickly grab the head board and scream. "NO!!! JASON, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!"

He groans loudly "Shut up!" He lets my ankle go and takes me by the wrists and yanks me off the bed. "You aren't on death's door and you aren't sleeping so I can't give you a balloon," he starts to drag me over to a large purple and blue hammer covered in dried and fresh blood as I flail around trying to escape his grasp "So i'll just have to kill you myself."

My heart skips a beat when he says that "NOOOOOO!!!!" I pull at his grasp but his nails begin to dig into my skin and rip my flesh making me bleed. "Please! I don't want to die!!!"

He stops inches away from his hammer and smacks me hard sending me to the floor. "I said SHUT UP!!! I hate when people beg, cry, and scream. It is so annoying!" As I begin to get up he places his right foot on my chest and pushes me back to the ground. He is putting so much force into it I think my ribs might break. He grabs his hammer and raises it high above his head. "I wonder what sound you will make when I squeeze you?"

I shut my eyes tight waiting my inevitable fate.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now