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I'm awoken by something touching my face. I open my eyes to see a tired, beat up and worn out Jason. I sit up and hug him quickly and he hugs me back tightly. It was slightly uncomfortable due to my neck brace but I didn't care. I started to cry as I hold him and he holds me.

He back up and wipes my tears away. "Hey it's ok now, I'm here."

"I know." I croaked. "I'm happy you are. I've missed you."

Jason's smile falters and he touches the brace. "Does it hurt a lot?"

I smile weakly. "I'd be lying if I said no. But I'll be ok."

A moment later Slender man pops in. There was silence then static. "Jason. I'm informed that you have plans to marry this human? Is this true?"

"Sorry, I slipped." I say sadly.

"Don't be sorry my dear, it's ok." He kisses my head and turns to Slender. "Yes Sir. I have chosen her to be the chosen one. Does this upset you?"

"No," he begins, "but there is something that is the matter."

Jason and I look at each other then back to Slender man and Jason takes my hand. "What's wrong Sir?" He asks calmly.

Slender man walks over to me and a tentacle emerges from his back and places it on my abdomen. For a while he is silent as he feels my stomach area. "It is as I expected." His tentacle returns to his back and he faces me. "Though only a day along, you are with child."

My heart skipped a beat and I squeezed Jason's hand. "A b-baby?"

Slender nods and turns to Jason. "Congratulations to you both. However," he looks to me once more. "This could be a dangerous pregnancy for you since you are only human. I will require you to be monitored on a daily basis for safety reasons. You will be supplied with all you require for pregnancy and so on. Your safety is top priority as of now. And while in the human world people don't interfere we will."

My face goes pale and my heart skips a beat. "S-so I'm the first human pregnancy?"

Slender shakes his head. "Not even close. However you are Jason's chosen one and there for must be well taken care of. All other pregnancies normally result in the death of both mother and child due to severe complications."

Jason sits down next to me. "Is there anything we can do to prevent this?"

Even with the lack of facial features Slender man had a solemn look to him. "There is always abortion."

"NO!" I sit up quickly and turn to Jason. "I want this baby!"

Jason looked frightened and distraught. "But Bella, you could die."

"I know, but..." I sit back a little. "I want a child with you." I smile softly and hold my belly. "I've always wanted a family. And if we do everything in our power to keep the pregnancy as safe and calm as possible I believe I can make it through. With low amounts of stress I should be fine."

Slender man steps in. "This is true. Though a great many have died there are those to have survived worse creatures pregnancies. Night Terror has had many of children and many have survived. Candy pop is unaware of their existence in this world so please do not tell him. Though it is as Mrs Bella has said, with the correct preparation and precautions taken she will have a very high chance of survival."

Jason grows quiet for a moment. "Alright. If her safety is guaranteed then I will allow it, but," Jason looks into my eyes. "The moment anything goes wrong with the pregnancy I will chose your life over the child's and terminate the pregnancy. I will not lose you."

I am taken aback for a moment but then smile. "I understand Jason."

Slender man clears his throat. "Now that that is settled we must start all preparations immediately." With that a group of people dressed as doctors and nurses all hurried into the room and began to take me away.

Jason hurried along side me as they took me into a white room. It was probably the cleanest looking and smelling room I'd ever been in. Whatever they do here at the mansion is very different than humans.

I look around as they hurry in and out of the room. "What is everyone doing?" I asked confused.

Slender man comes in the room. "Ah, you humans don't have such things as this aside from infirmaries. We have designed a room for you as soon as you came in with Mr. Glutton and I had my suspicions. This room is the safest and cleanest room possible. Everything has been sterilized specially for you and your child's health. I have had knowledge of many forms of medical treatment from years ago to present and possibly the future."

"How from the future? How is that possible?" I asked.

"Well," he pondered for a moment. "Let's just say I have my ways."

"I see." I relax back in the bed. "I'm exhausted."

Jason brushed my hair out the way and smiled at me. "You just rest my dear."

"What about you? Aren't you injured from Candy pop?" I turn to Jason the best I can.

Jason chuckled. "No need to worry about me, my dear. I can heal myself up in my own ways."

I look away from Jason and touch my neck through the brace. "What of Candy pop? What will happen to him?"

Slender man spoke up. "Don't worry yourself about him. I will deal with him myself." He sounded angry.

"Don't be to hard on him. It wasn't fully his fault."

"What are you saying!?" Jason stood up in a rage. "He tried to kill you! And you want to show him mercy? Why?"

I flinch a little. "But, he was being controlled wasn't he? He wasn't his normal self..."

Slender holds a hand up to Jason. "She is correct. Candy pop lost control of the Demon King known as Night Terrors. A creature that he sacrificed himself to capture and control to the best of his abilities. Though Candy usually is able to hold the king back most of the time there are times the king over powers Candy pop's soul and fully takes over."

"Then he shouldn't have come home!" Jason protested.

"I don't think he wanted too..." I muttered.

Jason looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"Candy pop had left in a hurry after we had breakfast together-"

"What!?" Jason snapped.

"Silence!" Slender man boomed. "Let her speak."

"It was an apology breakfast." I sigh softly. "He had asked me what I had always wanted and I said a velocipede then suddenly left. I thought it was go get the velocipede but now I believe he felt the demon trying to take over and wanted to find an excuse to leave suddenly." I take a moment to calm my breathing as Jason and Slender man listened intensely. "Suddenly, not long after, he reappeared at the front door looking beaten and worn down, but he had black eyes rather then his usual pink. When I went to check on him that's when he attacked me. It was then I knew it wasn't Candy pop. He said he would kill me and take my form, then use my form to lure Jason in to kill him. I believed Candy pop tried to protect me by leaving but didn't get far enough away in time."

Both Jason and Slender man stood in silence for a long time, thinking on what I said.

Slender was the first to speak. "I will speak with him, find out if this is true, and deal with him accordingly.  Should I find out he came back intentionally he will be punished with utmost severity. Should I find he attempted to prevent the attack he will be spared and the demon will be punished instead."

Jason nods. "You will find him locked in his room. Whether he has returned to normal or not I do not know. When I managed to lock him in there he was still in Night Terrors form."

"Understood." And with that Slender Man disappeared.

Jason sighed and climbed onto the bed with me. "Rest my love, I will lie with you."

I smiled and rested against him. "Thank you Jason."

"You are welcome my sweet Bella." He held me gently. "And from here on out Candy pop will not be allowed around you anymore without me present."

"That is understandable." I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

 Jason the toy maker, why me? (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now