Kong choked on his drink.'PArthit dont joke like that.' he pleaded.
'I can still remember last night. So quit reminding me!' Arthit glared at him. Kong grinned.

When the music turned up notches higher, people are dancing everywhere. Kong pulled the senior to stand up in the corner.

'It's dark P and people don't know us.' he tried to convince the senior.

With the alcohol he consumed, bodies gyrating everywhere, those people making out - the pulsating vibe of the club is getting to Arthit. Now Kong had pulled him up, they moved to the beat of the sound now in full blast. Their faces are mere inches away from each other that they can feel each other's breath on their faces. While Arthit is not touching Kong, any person looking at them would be too naive to say that they are just friends.

Much to his dismay, Arthit's gaze keeps landing on the younger man's lips. When Kong caught him, the sophomore licked his lips slowly and bit his lower lip - while staring at Arthit. So if anyone asks what made Arthit boldly reach out and touch Kong's nape - it may be the alcohol, the bodies gyrating everywhere, the pulsating music but not his bloody boyfriend's attempt to make him snap out of his control. 'No, I am not affected. Five weeks, I'll stand by you.' Arthit chanted in an attempt to collect himself.

Kong closed his eyes as Arthit massaged his nape. It's frustrating that he cannot kiss the older man. But darn, the touch of those baby soft fingers gliding on his warm sensitive skin are making him feel hot. Kong moved to bury his face on the senior's neck that Arthit flinched but Kong held his arm so he won't pull away. Then Arthit closed his eyes as Kong mouthed the lyrics of the new song on his neck,

''What if, what if we run away?
What if, what if we left today?
What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?"

'Darn, Kongpob' Arthit cursed his boyfriend wordlessly as their bodies swayed to the beat of the slow and beguiling song. When Arthit opened his eyes, Kong looked up to him- lips parted, hair slightly tousled and the neon lights adding a shroud of come- hither look to the sophomore. 'Kongpob should not be allowed to look this sinful in a club' Arthit thought as they moved to the luring beats of the song.

Kong's lips begun to close the small distance between their faces, Arthit closed his eyes again, he wanted to hit Kongpob for pushing him like this.

' Are you snapping, PArthit?' he whispered to his ear. Arthit swallowed the lump on his throat, everything seems on fire now. If he won't do anything, he will really snap. ' Darn, whose idea was it again to go to a club?'

Arthit felt Kong lean and bit his earlobe, Arthit's eyes almost popped out. He pushed Kongpob and left him there. Kong just laughed and followed the senior who ordered in the bar.

No, Arthit is not gulping the water like a madman. The bartender looked at him weird when he ordered water. He needed water to put out all that ache his boyfriend stirred in him. Kong offered him a beer. He looked at him sharply, the young man chuckled and proceeded to drink it himself.

Arthit found himself staring at the sexy column of Kong's neck as gulped it down - following the tempting movement of the sophomore's adam's apple with every gulp. Then he saw Kong smirked at him as if saying, 'Like what you see, P?' Arthit moved to leave but Kong held him back.

As they were dancing Jaimie heard,

'Those two guys are hot'
'One in black and green shirt, leaning on the bar.

Jaimie saw Arthit and Kong were leaning on the bar. Kong whispered something to Arthit that made the senior hit him on the neck.

'I like they are just subtle.'
'Not showy but darn the tension can be felt here when they are on the other side of the club.'
'I know them. The one in green is the moon of the university in SSU.'
'Really and his fann is hot.'
'He should be, students were mobbing him past for the past week.'
'It is amazing that do not need to flaunt their relationship.'
'Maybe they aren't that out.'
'Maybe, but they dont look like they are deep in the closet either...look'

Jaimie saw Kong turned to the senior and nuzzled his face on the senior's shoulder.

'Please PArthit, temporarily lift your ban.' Kong pleaded on Arthit's shoulder.
'No...not here!'
'Somewhere else then.'
'Kongpob!' Arthit glared at the sophomore.
But can i stay with you tonight, P?

Arthit moved to leave him but Kong pulled him back laughing. Kong grinned in triumph, he is so used to taking the senior's silence as a yes.

But Kong can't believe Arthit danced with him. He might not have snapped the senior's kissing ban but Kong was agape when the senior touched him like that. ' Should I stock up on alcohol if it makes PArthit this bold?' Kong wondered.

Across the club,

'I want that.' Mike said as he watched the engineer couple. They are just three of the many who are watching the couple. Liam felt Jaimie stiffen beside him. Liam sighed, Jaimie must know that - there is really no need to impress everyone or to flaunt everything.

But the couple in the bar is unaware of the audience they were having inside the club. Arthit was busy noticing that Kongpob went silent, so he asked him,

' What evil things are you now conjuring in that dirty mind of yours?'
'You'd really you like to know P?' Kong whispered.

Narrowing his gaze at the sophomore's cheeky reply, Arthit did what he wanted to do all night, he stepped on Kongpob's foot.



I accidentally pressed the Publish button earlier, sorry. ✌️

Video and lyrics taken from Youth by Troye Sivan.

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