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"i- im tired yoongi, i need sleep" jimin muttered pressing his lips together. he felt cold and big hand holding his small ones.

"jimin, i need an explanation and you'll gonna give me an acceptable reason why you left, now"

"No i won't!! i don't need to give you a fucking reason yoongi. your not our parents! I have my own life and that is not for you to take control of!"

Jimin exclaimed fuming in anger, pulling his arm off of yoongi's tight hold. His sight were getting blurred from the tears that's trying to escape his eyes.

"it's none of your fucking business yoongi, just-- JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

The tears cascade down to his face as he turn around, running fast back to his room and up on the bed hugging his knees crying harder.

Why can't he understand? What did i even do wrong to deserve this pain.
I don't want any of these.

Is it bad to love your own brother?
YES! it's bad Min jimin, you can't love him because he loves hoseok, not you! not his little brother! not ever!

He doesn't see you as a lover min jimin, he only see you as his loving little brother.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Strawberries & Cigarettes || BTS YOONMIN FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt