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"anyway, what are you doing here yoongi?" jimin questioned, breaking the awkwardness between them.

"That's hyung for you" yoongi smirked as jimin laugh nervously though he didn't know why. Why is he even nervous just having  yoongi beside him, he should be mad.

"I was invited by my friend, he's name is Taemin. He said he works along with the owner of this party but this kind of stuff never suits me at all." Jimin watched yoongi getting flustered up, scratching the back of his neck. "how about you jimin?" he questioned back.

"We actually got invited by the owner" the twins answered back and stared at eachother for a quick 10 seconds and ended up laughing. The older now have a confuse look plastered on his face.

"yoongi hyung, you know that there are two jimins here right?" Jaymin laugh while jimin giggled.
Yoongi's face was hilarious.

"It'll be scary if there's gonna be three of you" Hoseok sighed and smiled at the twin who just played along.

Any moment now, the event will begin and they'll have to be in their position. Assasinating the enemy of their father.

"Everyone! May I get your attention please"

The stage was lighten up. A man with a black suit is standing at the center, a white note on his right hand. The twin slowly got their way out knowing that the two couple were too focus to even notice them. They quickly excuse themselves on the crowd and went to the top floor of the mansion.

"Jaymin, guard the door." Jimin commands, taking off his suit which was full of gun parts that was familiar enough for him, he quickly assemble it one by one as it finally reach it's final appearance, A sniper rifle.

Jaymin just watch as his brother positioned the rifle on the edge of the roof. "Now, we wait and shoot."


"wait, where did those two go?" hoseok questioned, both look around  not seeing the blonde and black haired boys on the crowd.

The man started to talk again but this time, it's not that boring business talks anymore but something that interest everyone.

"Today is they day that we are gonna celebrate the success and the birth of the holder of this company. He went through hard challenges considering his young age, thus giving him the name of "The Youngest billionaire". Let me introduce to you..
Mr. Christian Parker!!"

Clapping of hands became loud, all eyes on the stage as the golden curtain moved. Jimin shared a look with Jaymin as a man emerged from the darkness. His figure became visible, so as his appearance now onview to the guest.

"Thank you for attending this party of mine. I'm greatly overjoyed to finally meet all of you. I stand the initial of CH.F company, it is I, Christian Parker." The boy smiled as his eyes turned crescent.

"W-wait but I-isn't he--" a hard object hit jimin's head making him lose the shocking sight from afar

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"W-wait but I-isn't he--" a hard object hit jimin's head making him lose the shocking sight from afar. He collapsed to the cold floor, hands leaving the handle of the sniper rifle as voices lingered on the room.

"Yeah, I've knock him down." The voice said. Opening his eyes became difficult to control as the boy meets darkness.

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