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Jimin's pov

Me and jungkook were both walking talking as usual when my phone vibrate on my pocket, i grab it seeing my brother's name popped up the screen.

am i dreaming?
did hyung just texted me?

jimin, can we meet up?

sure but why?

Is it bad to hang out with
my little brother?

okay, since when did he become so close to me? it's scary!

And that went on, i left jungkook saying it was an emergency that i needed to go. yeah, emergency.

He let me go as i run to the location yoongi-hyung give me, i arrived huffing hard, i look at my watch 6:30.

too much early

He told me he'll be here in 7:00 but it excites me so much and abit nervous. This is the first time he himself invite me to hang-out since i was always the one who suggest it.

I was standing outside a restaurant, we must be eating then. I waited glancing every second at my watch, watching people pass by as the lights turn on and the day turned night.

7:30, he was late.

I thought to myself, i hope this isn't some kind of prank again.

8:00, where is he??!!

A familiar car stopped infront of me making me look up from the ground, only to see two familiar faces, the one i love and the one he loves.

"y-yoongi hyung? and hoseok hyung?" i said, my voice trembling hard, my knees weak from standing too long.
yoongi noticed me, he looks confused.

"jimin? what are you doing here?"

"b-but you said, w-we get to hang-out?"

"I did?" yoongi asked still confused, hoseok hyung look at me sadly, no, more like a pity look on his eyes.

Was all the waiting i did, nothing?
The excitement i have was all fake?

Strawberries & Cigarettes || BTS YOONMIN FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang