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Was all the waiting i did, nothing?
The excitement i have was all fake?

Jimin ran and ran away from the life he wanted gone. He felt hurt after what happened awhiled ago, he's a complete dump piece of shit for expecting so much.

Loud roars of thunder evade his ears, big drops of water run down the sky and down to him.

What did i deserve to be treated like this? to not feel the love that i needed?

Jimin walked on the empty street not knowing where to go but let his feet take the lead. He just want to be far gone. To not exist and unable to feel pain anymore.

Just then a blinding light came to his view. It happened so quickly and all he remembered is the feeling of the wet and cold ground he was laying, his eyes were all fuzzy and blurd as he see two figures going out the car.

Before he blocked out, he heard the last words the two figures said he won't forget.

" oh, if it isn't my twin that i was looking for all year"

sorry, that was short. but the next ones gonna be long so be ready for the big twist!

Strawberries & Cigarettes || BTS YOONMIN FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat