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Jimin parked the car to their garage as he turn off the engine getting out heading to the elevator, jaymin following behind.

"Hyung! what's wrong?" Jaymin questioned, jimin turn to his twin, all pissed,

"what's wrong? well, we 'accidentally' talked to the son of the one who kidnapped me and that's totally wrong!"

"i actually did that on purpose you know" jaymin say back smirking as jimin send him a look.

"what do you mean jay?"

"He means that you should get min yoongi close to you to make it easy to kill him and his parents"

The elevator opened, standing behind it is their dad smiling at them.

"Dad!!" Both engulf mr. Park in a hug, as the man laughed patting the twins head.

"hey sons"

"When did you came back?"

"I just arrived actually, anyway jimin. Did you get close to Min yoongi yet?" Mr. Park asked, jimin was left with nothing as he scratch his neck laughing nervously.

It is pretty bad when their dad gets mad when they don't do things along  his orders.

Jaymin notice it and take jimin's place to answer "yeah, they are gonna meet tomorrow. Min yoongi really likes hyung"

"That's good, oh and jaymin. Always keep an eye on them, and maybe kill yoongi if you have to"

"Roger that!"

"Anyway, I'm gonna go now. Be sure to get his trust jimin, you know his weaknesses more than i do." jimin nodded as mr. Park get on the elevator pushing on the button, the door closing,

"Never betray me jimin" mr. park sternly said as the elevator door shut.

Jimin went up the stairs to their shared room laying down with his stomach "what should i do now??" His voice muffled.

jaymin entered their room closing the door and jumping on his own bed.
"don't worry hyung, i have yoongi's number. Maybe you can text him and meet up tomorrow"

"Fuck! I hate you!"

"And i love you hyung" jaymin blow a kiss sending it to his hyung as jimin punch it off, jaymin giggling.

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