interview #21 @XLucyK

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 1 what's your favorite movie? 

I'm a big fan of Harry Potter, so it would have to be Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

2 how would you spend a rainy day?

I love walks in the rain for some reason, I find them relaxing. if I don't go out, I'd probably be writing/ watching Netflix :)

 3 what's your favorite book? 

A hard question- I'll have to go with harry Potter again- the Prisoner of Azkaban.

4 what inspired you to write?

I used to read so many books as a young child, and I wanted to make my own stories up from age 6.

 5 what's your favorite thIng about Wattpad? 

I love how most people here are interested in writing, and I love the fact that I can get people's opinions on my works.

6 what's a piece of advice you'd give a newcomer? 

Don't be put off if your works do not get reads straight away. Keep working, keep updating, and be patient. People will find them!

7 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

At the moment, I don't have a schedule. I've now left school and I'm writing whenever I can (which is most of the time)

8 what's one Wattpad goal? 

I want to share my works and ideas with as many people as I can.

9 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas. Absolutely love the atmosphere and how I spend time with my entire family.

 10 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

J.K Rowling- How did you stay motivated with so many rejections? And what's you're best advice for a unnoticed writer who wants to publish their first book?

11 what's a song you enjoy ? Who is the artist? 

I love so many songs, but at the moment, I love 'Drinking About you' by Ryan Oakes.

Request time!

I'm currently writing a comedy/paranormal/mystery book -"Fair Play, You Did Just See a Dead Guy." I feel it's pretty original (I can't pin it to one genre) and I'm really enjoying writing it, so perhaps you'll enjoy reading it :D I was inspired slightly by the Netflix series, 'Riverdale' so if you enjoy the series you may enjoy my book :)

"  I feel it's pretty original (I can't pin it to one genre) and I'm really enjoying writing it, so perhaps you'll enjoy reading it :D I was inspired slightly by the Netflix series, 'Riverdale' so if you enjoy the series you may enjoy my book :)

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