interview #7 @NomadicNotions

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1 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

After recovering from a brief fainting spell, I would insist me, and my familycelebrate with Italian food and wine. 

2 what's your favorite movie?

DirtyDancing- I'm a huge fan of 80's movies. 

3 who's your favorite author outside Wattpad?

C.S.Lewis- The Chronicles of Narnia series is one of the first series that took meon a magical adventure and exposed me to enchanting lands and beings. Itsparked my love of writing supernatural tales. He has many other works andquotes which are equally inspiring and amazing.

4 what's your dream vacation?

A road trip! I love the kookiness of not knowing your destination, of just packing up and seeing where the open road may lead you. My friends and I used to flip a coin and drive in a direction, sometimes we ended up in amazing off beat places and sometimes we ended up in towns I'm certain horror stories are written about. The fun of it was in the journey not the destination and I have priceless memories from those experiences! 

5 what's one tip you'd give a newcomer?

I'm a newbie to Wattpad myself but I joined after being rejected over and over by many literary agents. I would get full manuscript requests then months later I'd get a rejection. It was robbing me of the joy I got from writing, so I joined Wattpad because I decided to strictlywrite for fun. I guess that is my advice- write because you enjoy it, writebecause it makes your life better and your days happier! Don't write for votes or comments or views, write for you and the rest will fall into place, Ipromise.

6 who's your favorite celeb?

JoannaGaines- Could I just go antiquing with her please!

7 what's your favorite color?


8 what's your favorite snack?

Pitachips and spinach dip 

9 how would you spend a rainy day?

I tend to write a lot on rainy days.

10 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween! It's the one day a year you can be anybody you want to be! The one day nobodylooks at you funny if you decide to dress like an evil queen and shop forapples!

11what's one of your favorite songs? Who's the artist?

Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival- though you can't gowrong with anything CCR

Request time!

And without further ado.... The title of my novel is Sparks, it's about an ordinary girl who discovers an extraordinary world within the real world. If supernatural is your go to genre and you're into vamps, werewolf, fairies and the like then I'd love for you to give it a read, it features a creature seldom used in supernatural stories and I think you will find it interesting though you'll have to wait till Chapter 28 to find out! I'm always open to and welcome reader feedback. Thanks for checking out my interview and a special thanks to our amazing interviewer @BooksbyLwordpress

 Thanks for checking out my interview and a special thanks to our amazing interviewer @BooksbyLwordpress

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