Interview #6 @Iwuv2rite

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1 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I would celebrate by telling literally everyone I know and then starting a sequel literally the same day. I would also probably grab a venti Starbucks Frappuccino because I deserve it! But honestly, I would take some time just thanking everyone who supported me. Success never happens alone, after all.

 2 what's your daily writing routine?

My writing routine is quite random actually. I do literally every type of writing: novels (on wattpad), poems (on Wattpad), journaling, and I am a reporter for the local paper. So I guess I don't have an official routine; I just write a lot. I wait for a moment of inspiration, then write for hours, sometimes into the wee hours of the night.

 3 what's your favorite aspect of Wattpad?

Wattpad has a great community with plenty of opportunities to get your novel out there for free. That's something that should never be taken for granted. I love the people and the variety of stories, but most of all I like writing my own story for an audience. Even though my following isn't very big, it still excites me when just one person takes a peek at my work. That's the thing that keeps me writing.

 4 how would you handle a bully?

Bullying is not something I run into often, but when I do I usually respond in a logical way. I'm not the type of person who angers easily. I like to talk things out calmly and rationally. I guess that's why my bullies never stuck around; they didn't get the emotional reaction from me that they hoped for!

 5 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

Okay, just by looking at what my recent story is about, I would pick Harry Styles. If I had the chance to spend a whole day with him, I don't think I would pack it full with activities. Being a celebrity, I'm sure he would be sick of the constant scheduling. Instead, I would bring him on a walk or take him to a spot with a great view. we could talk about whatever and leave all worries behind. Then, of course, I would have him write out some song lyrics for my tattoo...

6 what's your favorite movie? 

This is a very debatable question, but I think my all time favorite movie is Spirited Away. I always loved the magic it brought me when I was a kid and that's something I still appreciate today.

7 what inspired you to write? 

When I was young I had a stupendous imagination. I loved being read to and picked up my first Harry Potter book at age 7. I would write stories every Sunday during the church service, illustrated and everything. My biggest inspiration came from my romantic outlook on the world and, of course, J.K. Rowling. When I was 9 I did a book report on her and learned of her extraordinary rise to fame. After that, I hoped that could be me someday.

8 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

Clearly, I would choose J.K. Rowling. I would ask her advice on character development. I feel like that is the most important aspect of a good story and she wrote up amazing characters that I grew so attached to. I would like to create characters like that one day.

 9 what's one tip you'd give a newcomer? 

Don't focus on reads and votes; focus on creating quality content. If you do can do that, reads will come.

10 do you have any other creative outlets?

I don't even know where to begin with this one! If I'm not writing you can find me painting, drawing, taking photos, playing ukulele, or coming up with graphics. I literally live for the arts. I have a drawing account on Instagram, artz_molly where I post all sorts of my creations. I not only like creating, I like sharing my work too!

 11 what's your dream vacation?

I would love to travel to the coast of Australia. Ever since my third grade research project, that is the one place I have yearned to go. I love snorkeling and really would like to see the Great Barrier Reef before it's gone forever. I also love the accents, the unique animals, the ocean, and the fact that my second favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer, are from there.

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 Request time!

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Synopsis: She never wanted to be the stylist of Harry Styles, a figure in pop culture she has long despised.York Glencord, a stubborn, high-strung girl, finds herself on the make-up team for a brooding, narcissistic Harry Styles, who in no sense makes her job easier. He is always finding ways to turn her perfect little world upside down, making her job a living hell. Despite this, York discovers there is more to him than meets the eye and is drawn to him in ways she can't even begin to explain.This is my Harry Styles fanfiction I have been working on. I love Harry so much, so if you like a classic jerk-turned-good story featuring the cutest guy on the planet, then my book is for you. It's pretty easy to follow and I keep paragraphs shorter so it's easier to read. There is lots of cheeky dialogue and cute Harry moments that any fan would swoon over (I even do while writing it!) The beginning is a bit slow, but I promise if picks up! If would literally mean the world if you guys checked it out!

thank you to anyone whom takes the time to read my story.

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