Chapter 53: Mystic VS Crota.

Start from the beginning

The battle between Servant-Vampire and pseudo-divinity begins.

Their speed is impossible to see for the simple human eyes. Their combat is taking place in a parallel dimension, where time seems frozen.

Both monsters are fighting to their full potential, using their weapons as extensions of their body.

For a moment it would seem that Mystic is getting the better of Crota, thanks to her weapon.

A spear could attack and defend in a continuous flow of blows. With its longer reach, a pitcher could overwhelm a swordsman, who could only engage in offense or defense, with ease.

But Crota is a monster with a long experience in combat, dealing with a spearman with a sword is nothing for him, rather this is making Crota entertained.

Having a free hand Crota, I try to punch Mystic Archer, but the Servant-Vampire also launches his own fist.

The fists of the monsters have hit each other, is the ground below them is filled with cracks.

Immediately with a jump they moved away, to charge each other with the intention of beheading or piercing the opponent's heart.

With they hit again, none of them managed to hit the mark. But the ground of the throne room leaps into the air because of the force of the blows.

Apparently, Mystic and Crota are equal in how much speed and strength.

'This battle is just beginning' they thought at the same time the two monsters.


The continuous battle ...

The use of the lance by the mortal is phenomenal.

Crota hates to admit it, but the sheer abilities the mortal possesses with that weapon speaks of violence and blood.

His fighting style was one that could only be developed on combat blood, not on security or military complexes typical of mundane mortals.

The mortal fights with a style born out of necessity, a pragmatic style that uses the least amount of moves, the necessary amount of strength and speed to be equal or slightly better than the opponent, increasing and decreasing the pressure as needed.

Never show more strength than absolutely necessary.

And he's breaking his piece by piece.

Crota is a proud member of the Beehive, worshiped as a deity, destroyed worlds and massacred entire armies, with thousands of years of knowledge and experience in battle.

So how could this pathetic mortal, who is only a puppy of a race that lives even a second, possess a style that was so beautiful!?.

"I will kill you and I will take your head to my father, and I will be welcomed home with open arms", Crota declared, hitting the ground with his foot, invoking dozens of members of the Hive from the ground.

"No, I will take your dead carcass and I will make a legendary Mystic Code come my family," said the Servant-Vampire, calling around him, 666 dark creatures composed entirely of shadows and magical energy.

"Attack!" They ordered Mystic and Crota at the same time, throwing out their respective invocables.


They tried to take each other out using their minions to get an opening, but without success.

Their continuous duel, shot after blow, oscillations, feints, attacks, attacks, defenses, dodges.

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