Red-X or Mystic

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Chapter 16: Red-X or Mystic

POV Alex

Four months, three days, 20 hours, 10 minutes, and three seconds since I'm in this crazy and crazy world, I'm pretty sure madness is contagious, because I made a crazy decision.

A month ago, I was attacked by Scáthach, using the Class Cards Lancer, I managed to defeat her, so that I could capture her I needed the help of the Servant Assassin.

After 24 hours, from the capture of Scáthach and a long interrogation by Cú Chulainn, Semiramis and Mordred.

Scáthach spoke, in simple words noticed an unusual energy accumulation in San Francisco, certainly the result of my ongoing invocation of Servant's examination.

Once in California, his Gáe Bolg made several impulses, as if he wanted to go to his master.

When I saw the image of Cú Chulainn as Great Druid, a chaotic investigation began, which led to the Golem attack. Everything to test my skills similar to Cú Chulainn is technically more like Scáthach, but being a teacher and a student their styles resemble.

After an overly detailed explanation of the invocation of the Servants.

There is a plan of existence called the Throne of the Heroes, there are the Anime all legendary heroes of humanity.

My invocation magic sends an invitation to the Throne of Heroes if they want to work with me will be invoked, if I do not want to remain in the Throne of Heroes.

Once the invitation is accepted. My spell copy (Alex does not know, the fact that he does not copy souls, but invokes original souls) the hero of the designated hero and charges it in a class called ship. There may be seven specific ships.

Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker.

Once the Invocation is completed, the entity called Servant is kept in this world using the magic energy reserves of its invocator, called the Master.

With this explanation, Scáthach realized that I did not enslave anyone and Cú Chulainn work for me on his own initiative.

Then the problems were over, Scáthach decided to live with Cú Chulainn and join the Wild Hunt.

In a word, now I have to pay attention to 13 Servant and an Irish immortal witch with purple hair, I'm crazy to accept this stuff.

Fortunately Semiramis had reminded me of a very important thing.

The practice of establishing a Geis.

It is forming a curse on a target that imposes a mystical restriction on its action with the consent of both parties.

The Magus Standard describes it as something that can not be easily used as it is one of the worst curses.

The spells of the spell pass through its nerves to infuse itself into its body and mind. The tie of the spell, described as a "second heart", is right next to its heart. It is similar to a command spell used on a Servant, but is not omnipotent in its applications.

It can not be used to command anything to do its own life, but it can be used to tie it to its own command.

I have decided to use the best and most effective method of all, a Self-Geis Scroll.

By putting a written contract on a roll of vellum that looks like just meaningless figures and well-made patterns to those who are not magicians, is a curse that directly binds the 'soul' of the target.

The signer's signature is signed in blood and infused by Magical Energy to show that the spell was established and activated.

The contract lists the target of binding magecraft, a target swearing, and the terms for accepting the contract.

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