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Chapter 2: Changes

POV Alex

I opened my eyes. I feel like shit.

'What the hell did Zelretch do to me?'

Slowly I got up, luckily I haven't broken anything, but my head feels like it was pierced by a drill.

In addition to a headache, I feel a strange tingling.

I was feeling stronger, faster, smarter. I clenched my fist, savoring this emotion.

Once I'm sure of my motor skills, I look around, it seems I'm in an abandoned building.

The place was probably a hotel, due to the desk, armchairs, logs, and keys. There are spider webs and dust everywhere, a sign that the hotel has not been occupied for years.

Besides me was the furniture from Zelretch's office, seems like it fell through the portal with me, sent to this lifeless place, in who knows which dimension.

In one corner of the room, there was a mirror, covered by an old rag.

I approached the mirror, curious as to what effect the Class Cards had on my appearance if any.

I grabbed the cloth, with my right hand, for the moment I ignore the golden Commando Seals, which are on the back of my hand.

Once I removed the cloth, I looked at myself in the mirror, I am speechless.

For a while, I looked at my reflection. I've changed a lot, this is certainly one of the side effects.

"I became an albino" I shouted incredulously. I looked closely, trying to see all the aesthetic and physical changes.

My eyes shine with a deep red. My skin became pale and white. My hair turned to platinum silver.

I could pass as a relative of Illyasviel Von Eizerben, no, I look like Illya's older brother, more than Shirou Emiya.

My body had grown, now I'm 185 cm tall, the constitution of my body looks like that of a swimmer.

Putting all the changes together, I look like a young foreign man of a noble lineage.

In other words, I've become a beautiful least finding a girl will be easier.

For some reason, I decided to curse Zelretch first, so I raised my head up.

Looking at the ruined ceiling of the room, I shouted with all my breath: "Zelretch if this change leads me to be locked up by the government or a Yandere, I kill you".

Once my threats to Zelretch are over(who was surely watching me through a magic mirror, eating popcorn along with a drink), I decided to lie down on the sofa, which had come with me, along with the desk and the rest of Zelretch's stuff.

For some unknown reason, all the furniture was intact, there was not a single scratch on them.

Surely Zelretch had used a spell to increase their resistance.

The old vampire probably did it because my predecessors tried to destroy the room with Zelretch. Maybe I'm the only one who has not resisted.

Let's see, what has happened recently: School ended, holidays started, I was kidnapped by Zelretch, I received 7 Class Cards, which are now fused with my soul.

Finally, I was thrown into another dimension, along with half a room.

Now I'm an albino in a room of an abandoned hotel, lying on a sofa.

"My life has become messy beyond measure, maybe I have a Luck Rank-E, wait, stop, complaining has never helped anyone, besides it could be worse" I tried to rejoice.

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