Chapter Eighteen Re-written

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"Mr. Ashmore you should have a look at this" Joe slapped down the freshly printed documents on my desk. I was resting on my divan at my office as i usually did the moment i could since I don't sleep at night. 

I peeked from under the newspaper i had laying across my face. Joe was standing in front of me with a stern look on his face. I sat up and stretched out my arms. 

"What is it, Joe?" I stood up and picked up the documents from the desk. I shuffled through them. They were emails from an anonymous person, saying he had information regarding the whereabouts of Roger Smythe. Also known as The Doctor...I shivered unintentionally. 

"How do we know this is a reliable source? After we missed that snake in Gundby we need to step up our game, Joe. We can't be led astray by some anonymous person wanting money." I started to pace around the room. Reading through every email carefully.

"Sir, he said he's willing to meet in person. If he's lying about the information then we can hold him personally responsible. A money grabber wouldn't insist on meeting up"  Joe said and he made a good point. At this rate we had nothing to lose since our search had gone somewhat cold. 

"Let's go now, Joe. Cancel my six o'clock meeting with Mrs. Pearsson and send her a flower or something as an apology" I grabbed my black trench coat and opened the office door. Joe followed after me.

"Of course, sir. Anything else?" I stopped for a short moment and looked back at Joe.

"Yes! Bring an umbrella Joe, You're coming with me."

The rain was now pouring down, as it had done last night. It was raining so hard that the windshield wipers almost couldn't keep up. I looked out from the backseat window and thought of Jaden. It had been hard to leave him and even harder being away from him. Damn if only i could've brought him with me. That way i didn't have to feel this awful feeling in my chest. But it was too dangerous, with the line of work I'm in, to have him with me. Damn it all.

The car came to a stop and my door was opened for me. I stepped out and took the umbrella Joe offered me. 

"This is the meeting place he chose? A sketchy ass bar?" I said with distaste. 

"Yes this should be the place" Joe said and looked a little confused. We quickly walked inside the run down bar and was met with a cloud of cigarette smoke and beer as soon as we opened the door. It was revolting. I scanned the bar for the person we were there to meet and there, in the far corner of the bar, sat a thin young guy, waving us in. As we walked towards him I could feel the few people that were there was staring at us intensely. I held my head high and walked with confidence as to mark that they were no match for me.

"Hello. You had some useful information, yes?" I asked very straight to the point. I had no time for small talk. The guy looked up and gave a smirk.

"Not even gonna introduce yourself?" He said mockingly. I lifted my brow.

"You know very well who I am. You took initial contact remember? Now get to the point I'm a busy man."  I said and sat down in front of him and Joe stood behind me with his left hand in his jacket pocket.

"Yes well since there apperently will be no small talk i'll get straight to the point. You are looking for Roger, right?" I tensed up. The sound of his name almost forced bile up my throat. Still. After so many years.

"That's right, what do you know?" The young guy picked up his beer and took a few sips. 

"Well i know for example that he is looking for someone and are paying top money to have this person found. I also know that for some reason he asked me a few days ago if i would give a message to a Nikolai Ashmore."

My body tensed. That bastard knew i was searching for him.

"What message..?" I said with clenched teeth. My anger could not be disguised any longer. And if this guy didn't wipe his smirk of his face i would tear it off.

"Oh He wanted to know how the search for him is going. He is getting a bit restless waiting for you to catch him." My blue eyes had now shifted to yellow. 

"He also wanted you to enjoy your time with Jaden because he will be taking him back shortly" 

The mentioning of Jadens name sent me over the edge. I stood up calmly, thanked him for the information, and with one punch i tore his jaw off. The young guy squirted blood all over the table and was dead within seconds. The people in the bar was paralyzed. No one dared to move as i walked by them. I stopped in front of the bartender, who looked white as a ghost, and laid down two, thick wads of money on the bar.

"This should cover the cleaning fee and your silence of course" I said with a look that could, no, would kill. The bartender nodded quickly and the other drunks wouldn't be believed even if  they told the police. I walked out with Joe closely behind me. He opened the car door for me but i put my hand up.

"Actually, I think I'll drive." Joe gave me the keys with worry in his eyes and moved to the passenger seat. I started her up and speeded away from the small town. I had to get to Jaden. If that bastard have sent people after him there is no time to waste. They probably know that he's in the Ryer house. Fuck. Luckily, David and Marlene aren't exactly the kind of people you want to piss off. They said they would go camping this weekend so my search starts in the woods.. I'm coming, Jaden.

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