Chapter Eight Re-written

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Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this story. It really means a lot. I'm sorry i haven't updated recently but it's because i haven't got the time for it right now with me graduating and taking my drivers license all at once. I hope you understand! Please comment and vote so i know if you liked it or not!

I was yanked out of my nightmare by a large hand, shaking my shoulder. My body was shaking and I was sweating profusely.

"Please don't hurt me!" I screamed and lifted my hands in a guarding position over my face. When the pain didn't come i slowly opened my eyes. It was Joe, standing over me with reports in his hand. This wasn't the first time Joe has caught me at my weakest. He knew that i hated to be pitied so he didn't comment at my outburst and my tears. And that made me feel better. He silently supported me and brought me a glass of water. I wiped my tears, drank the water in one gulp and took a deep breath.

"What did you find?" I said with an forced composed voice.

"The details is all in the reports but the good news is that we know where he is."

"And the bad news?" I asked. Knowing that there was more to it.

"He is in the Adlet territory.."

Oh shit. Out of all the territories he could have chosen he chose the most dangerous, prideful and battle craziest pack to hide amongst. The outcasts of the werewolf family. I knew that there was no use in talking to the leader of that particular pack. He wouldn't even sniff in our direction. The only way we could get to that sneaky bastard is if we somehow convinced the leader to give him up or sneak in, take him by force and sneak out and hopefully don't get detected. The latter seemed too risky.

"Any ideas on how we can get to him other than trying to communicate with them?" I asked Joe. He patted me on my shoulder.

"You are going to have to talk to that leader. If we decide to raid them it would only start a war and we don't have time or forces enough for that right now. Go to David Ryer. I'm sure he will help you to talk to Jeremiah(the leader)." I looked at Joe a little confused.

"Why would he help us?"

"Because the man we are chasing kidnapped his only son and kept him locked up for 17 years. He will do anything to get his hands on that man"

My heart dropped like a ton of bricks. That man took more boys after me? The deep scar below my collar bone started to ache. I knew i had to meet the boy. He was the last person to see the Doctor, the last child he took. I walked with quick steps to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My blonde angular fringe was a mess and looked absolutely awful. My blue eyes was tired and worn out. I splashed some water on my face to completely wake up and patted on some cologne on my neck. The hair i quickly styled with a little hair gel and it was good to go. I fixed my ocean blue tie and straightened out my shirt. Now i could almost pass for a gentleman. I swung the bathroom door open and startled Joe. I fought off the smile that was twitching on my face.

"Let us go, Joe. To Mr. Ryers residence"

"Right away, sir" Joe said and opened the door for me. I took my fancy wooden cane (that i didn't really need but wanted to have anyway because it looked cool) and walked with my head held up high as a passed my subordinates. I was not about to let anyone know that i had a weakness. EVER AGAIN. 

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