Chapter Sixteen Re-written

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I ran for what felt like hours. My knees were at the verge of collapsing and my lungs were about to explode. A dull iron taste coated the inside of my mouth. I ran blinded by darkness. I couldn't see where i was going. I just knew i had to get away. Low hanging branches smacked my face  many times over and pulled at my hair. I didn't register the pain. I was too scared for that. I felt a slight warmth running down my face. Blood. The branches must have cut my face. 

I must've been running for at least an hour non stop because my body was on the brink of actually stop functioning. I slowed down my pace to allow my breathing to return. The thunder roared so loudly that the ground shook and the lightning soon followed. I stopped and looked up to the sky. It was pouring down with no signs of stopping. 

Suddenly a loud rustling in the bushes behind me startled me and i immediately turned around. There was nothing there. Then i heard it again, closer this time, in the bushes to my left. They were here. They are trying to scare me and it definitely worked. Desperately, I looked around for a place to hide but the rain and the dark made it too difficult to see anything more than a few meters in front. But a couple of meters to my left, down hill, there seemed to be a rockfall with huge boulders. There was my chance to find a place to hide. With no time to waste i gathered the rest of my inner strength and ran towards the boulders. However the ground was slippery from all the rain and running downhill was not a good idea. I slipped and rolled down the hill, hitting multiple small rocks on the way down that punctured my skin. As a grand finale i violently hit the back of my head on the rockfall where i was aiming to hide. The pain was unbearable. As like a curtain, the darkness was slowly taking over my sight completely. This was it. If i passed out here, now, then i would die. 

I could hear the creatures slowly closing in on me. They made a strange noise that almost sounded as if they were laughing at me. Serves me right. I was stupid enough to think i would get away, that i would outsmart them by hiding. My death was long overdue anyway. A single tear, mixed with the rain, fell from my cold cheek as my body went limp. 

"Stop whining. Let me take over. You're no use to me dead anyway" I could faintly hear a cold and distorted voice inside of my own head. However it was too late for me to respond because my body had given up. Just before i completely blacked out i thought i saw my right hand stretching forward. But.. i knew that i wasn't capable of even lifting my own hand right now. Time was up. Everything went black. 

"FINALLY! A breath of fucking fresh air" I stretched out my arms over my head and cracked my neck into place. This body had gotten seriously damaged. Shit I should've taken over sooner. If only my host wasn't so damn stubborn. The sound of hooves and loud shrieking behind me snapped me back to reality. I sighed and stood up. These lowly creatures sure doesn't know their place, snarling at me. I turned to face them. The creatures were only a few footsteps away. Their long disfigured arms stretching out towards me. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. This body would make things more difficult. My powers weren't working properly since its been so long that I surfaced. I could still take them though. Just that it's was going to be a bit painful. 

I gathered the small power that i had into the palm of my right hand. My hand slowly turned black. It spread up my arm and since the body i was in was so weak, i could feel the blood vessels exploding in the arm and it hurt like a motherfucker. I had to be quick. This arm wouldn't last long with all this power. The creatures suddenly launched themselves towards me. Their long claws swinging to hit me. I jumped back, just barely being missed by their claws. They snarled and and started to slowly circle around me. Sneaky monsters. This little game needed to end now. I made my move. I leaped towards the one in the front and violently pushed in it's chest with the blackend hand. I could hear the bones crack but the creature didn't scream. It was dead on impact. With this arm, all i really had to do was slightly touch them for them to die but where was the fun in that? The unfortunate creature that was next in line was the one on my left. They were more cautious now. That didn't stop me from taking charge. The creature swinged at me but i ducked under it's claws and took a hold of it's neck and wrung it swiftly so it snapped loudly. The creatures that was left quickly scattered into the woods like cowards. Like on a cue, my body fell to it's knees. It was pushing well over it's own limits right now. Shit. My powers disappeared and my arm immediately began to swell. I pushed myself up from the ground and limped over to the huge boulders a few yards away. A small opening between the boulders would serve as a decent emergency shelter. It's not like this body had the strength to move anywhere else anyway. Pathetic. I huddled up in the small cave and waited for the sunrise. As soon as his peers would find him, he's on his own. Unfortunately, as long as I reside here too i can't let him die. 

"Fuck this sucks"

Hey y'all! I want you to know that i see all of your comments and votes and i deeply appreciate them <3 You make my day. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next one XOXO

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