Chapter Nine Re-Written

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The pounding in my head made it hard for me to open my eyes. It hurt so much. I slowly sat up and held my head against my hands, trying to press the pain away. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and i could make out shapes in the room. I tried to stand up but my legs gave out on me and i fell to the floor. As i laid on the cool floor i could hear faint noises outside the room. I leaned my head towards the gleam of light that was streaming from under the door. My body was powerless and weak and i didn't care to move from the nice cool floor. My body was burning up and i was sweating profusely. I probably had a fever. As i laid on the floor my thoughts drifted back to the hell house. Was i really free? It still seemed impossible for me to be here. Cared for by people i didn't know, treated with kindness. But how long would it last? How long before they sell me or kick me out? I was constantly worried.

"Good heavens! Jaden!" I was so into my worries that i didn't hear her come in. It was the woman that i met earlier. She ushered over to me and put her hand on my forehead.

"Jesus! You're burning up! We have to get you a doctor!" Instant fear drenched my body. I started to shake and slowly crawl under the bed.

"Honey? What's the matter?" The woman looked at me with worried eyes. She didn't force me to come out from under the bed nor did she yell. She just laid down on the floor, facing me.

"Jaden? Talk to me baby. Tell me whats wrong" I was gnawing on my thumb that had now started to bleed a bit. I looked into the woman eyes and i felt calmer.

"S..scared.." I mumbled quietly.

"What are you scared of? Doctors?" I nodded subtly and kept gnawing at my thumb. She slowly reached out her hand towards me and pushed down my hand from my mouth. She gently held my, now bleeding, hand.

"Alright i understand, sweetie. No doctors then" She said and smiled gently. I started to relax.

"But you have to come out from under there and lie down in bed. You are sick and need to rest, honey" I nodded meekly and began to crawl out from under the bed. The woman, gently as if cradling a baby, picked me up and placed me on the bed. Her strength caught me a little of guard. She was a frail looking woman but she could lift up an almost adult man. Granted I wasn't much of a man. I was starved skinny and had no muscle mass to speak of. I had the physique of an thirteen year old. I couldn't weigh much at all. A harsh knock on the bedroom door yanked me out of my thoughts. I instinctively cowered and hid beneath the cover. The woman took my hand and squeezed it lightly.

"Yes?" The door opened. I peeked from the covers and immediately my jaw dropped and my eyes became as big as saucers. There stood a man so breathtakingly beautiful. It was hard to think that he was real because he looked like a prince from a painting. His eyes were ice blue with a hint of grey around the edges. Calming yet frightening. His hair had a golden glow and was styled handsomely. His body posture screamed authority and power and that made me a little scared but at the same time intrigued. His eyes suddenly locked onto mine and startled me. With determined steps he walked towards me. He stopped at the foot of the bed and took in a deep breath through his nostrils. My eyes must be playing tricks on me because for a split second I swear I could see his eyes change color.

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