Chapter Twelve Re-written

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Hi readers. I know that my updating schedule sucks ass but I have my reasons as to why I'm not able to update very often. I hope you will continuing reading even so. When you comment or vote it really lights up my day so please do so! I love you and I hope you have a delightful day wherever you are.

His warm breath gently brushed against my mouth. His face was so incredibly close to mine. I don't know what it was but his eyes were mesmerizing almost hypnotic in the way they made me unable to look away. A gentle smile began forming on his face and I felt his arms fold around my body.

"You know, there's nothing I would like more than to lay here with you under the starry sky but I'm afraid our time is up for now, love" He slowly began sitting up, with me still plastered on him like a band aid. When our eye contact broke i immediately snapped out of my trance. Quickly as I could I tried to stand up and get away but the man held my wrist, gently but firmly so i couldn't run away. Just as he got up on two feet, with the smile still lingering on his face, David came rushing toward us in full speed. He ran up to me and took hold of my shoulders.

"What in the world were you thinking!? You could have died!" His eyes were full of worry and anger. I clenched my eyes and tensed my body. I was prepared for the punches but they never came. I opened my eyes and noticed that David was hugging me tightly. Instinctively i leaned into the hug. It was warm and safe then i took some of my new found courage and clasped Davids shirt, hugging him back. I could hear him silently gasp for a moment but immediately hugged me even tighter. 

Suddenly the sound of clock bells ringing startled all of us and we turned towards the forest, where the sound came from. Confused as to what was happening i looked up at David, who was now pale and had a stern look on his face. I looked over to the man, who's body had been my cushion just five minutes ago, and saw that he to looked almost scared. The two men stared intensely into the dark forest and then suddenly began rushing inside with me in tow. Curious to why they were rushing so I looked behind me, into the forest and what i saw I couldn't believe. There in the woods stood a..creature. It's legs were like that of a goat but It's face bore similarities to a human. A human with a long, stretched out face, black demon like eyes and sharp horns protruding from the forehead. It was covered in a black, tattered cloak and had long thin claws that hung down from the creatures arms. My face went white and i started to shake violently from fear. When we came inside sat David me down on the nearby chair and quickly began helping the strange man bolting the door shut. They locked all three of the locks and pushed a big desk in front of the door. Scared and seeking safety i sneaked closer to the men that were now locking us in. They sealed every door and window that lead to the outside and then they dimmed the lights. They sat me down in the living room couch and sat beside me on each side. 

"What in blue blazers is happening, David?!" Marlene, who had been sleeping up until now, came rushing down the stairs in a pink fluffy robe and matching slippers. Her hair stood up in every direction and she looked disoriented. 

"Why are you locking us in?!" David quickly rushed over to her and signaled her to lower her voice. She looked at him confused.

"They are here" David whispered. Marlene looked confused for a moment before it dawned on her what David meant. She quickly became alert and her face showed fear. She looked over here and spotted me and the man sitting on the living room couch just inches apart. He was sitting so close that i could feel his heat radiating. Marlene quickly rushed over to me, scooted David over and sat beside me. She swung her arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to her. She gave me a loving look before looking at David with worry in her eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile and stood up. He walked slowly and quietly up to one of the boarded windows and peaked outside. One of the creatures stood just a few feet away from the house. David immediately hunched over to hide and i started to panic. My breath picked up and so did my heartbeats. I flinched when i felt something warm grabbing my hand. I looked down and saw that the mysterious man were entangling his fingers with mine. I didn't pull away but i looked at him, shy, and wondered why he was holding my hand. Was it so i couldn't get away?

  "I think they're gone" David whispered and looked towards us. Suddenly we heard a loud bang on the back door. Everyone tensed and he'd their breath. Another loud bang shook the windows. David immediately sneaked into the kitchen and towards the door. It was properly boarded and should hold them out but one could never be sure.

  "Mr. Ashmore! Come help me." David said quietly and beckoned at the man to come. The man nodded and gently untangled our fingers to go to David. My hand felt cold when his touch seized. I hoped he would return to hold my hand again. Three loud, harsh bangs rattled the door and made a painting fall down in the kitchen. 

  "You think they will leave if they don't know we are here?" David whispered to Ashmore. 

  "Hard to say. They might already know we're in here. We should wait them out a bit more" David nodded in agreement and so they waited. The banging continued for a while before it cooled down. It went quiet. David and Ashmore exchanged looks and nodded. They were going to peek through the boarded window to see if there were any sign of them. It had become really dark outside. 

"I think there gone but just to be safe I think it's best if you spend the night here Mr. Ashmore" 

"I respectfully accept the offer Mr. Ryer and please call me Nicolai" He looked over at me and gave me a playful smile.

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