I obey and don't make her wait any longer. I dip my head between her legs and kiss her until her grip on my hair becomes painful and her hips rise up towards me from the mattress in seek of more pressure.

Giving her this orgasm with my mouth is the most intimate thing we've shared so far. Could there be a bigger proof of her trust than letting me do this, or better yet, wanting me to do this?

She pulls me up afterwards and directs my throbbing shaft right into her. It's easy with how wet she is, and I don't wait until I begin to thrust.

I want to kiss her so badly, but I'm not sure if she wants me to, with her taste still on my lips. Instead, I kiss along the side of her neck, loving how she turns her head to the side to offer me more of her skin.

I follow her unspoken invitation. I'm careful not to hurt her as I bite her neck and suck on her skin. I don't want to cause her pain, just pleasure.

Tris moans and whimpers underneath me, her nails scratching along my sides.

"Kiss me," she demands and turns her head, forcing me to let go of her neck.

"I still have your taste on me," I remind her.

"I don't care. I want you to kiss me."

She doesn't have to tell me again. I kiss her and let myself be taken away. Her hips meet mine as I set up a quick pace. I massage her breast with one hand and pinch her nipple, and Tris kind of gasps into my mouth and only grasps my ass firmer.

I can't take much more, so I let go. It's so much easier to allow myself to do that when Tris has already come before me. For some precious moments, it's just me and her, being madly in love.

I would have loved to shower together with Tris after coming back, but we decided we should sneak into the compound separately.

She went first, and I told her not to wait for me. I could see that she was shivering, although she tried to hide it from me and be strong. I did the same: It was freezing cold on the roof, the wind making it worse than it already was without it, but I clenched my teeth until she was safely inside. Then I waited another ten minutes to follow her. 

Now it has become later than we had originally planned. I dress quickly and head down to the cafeteria. We decided it would be the easiest way to meet the other Allegiant there and discreetly agree with them when to meet later.

But to my surprise, none of our friends is there. I scan the room twice, both on the way to the counter to get my food and then on the way to my usual seat. Even Tris isn't here yet.

I eat because I'm hungry, not because I have a big appetite, constantly keeping an eye on the door.

When Tris comes in, I have to look down to keep myself from grinning stupidly. Images of our lovemaking come back into my mind, and I let them in.

Tris sits down on the other side of the cafeteria after getting her plate of food, and like me, she keeps looking around. Maybe the others are already in Zeke's apartment, waiting there for us to stop by. It's where I plan to go after finishing dinner.

But I don't make it that far, since I run into Zeke in the pit. He looks unusually worried.

"Four, I'm glad you're back. Both of you?"

I nod, and he runs his hands through his hair.

"Just by any chance, have you seen Lynn or Marlene?"

"No. Why?"

Zeke's alarmed state of mind is contagious. A sense of dread wakes up in me, one that I can't name yet.

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