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I haven't been on here in forever and I feel like it's been a while since I wrote anything.

I cannot respond to any messages that some of you have sent me. I'm very sorry about that but if you want a story request or anything just send it right away and I can try and get on working.

Anyways I was kinda thinking of maybe sorta writing a story.

Stay with me...

It will be about Peter Parker and Michelle Jones. Maybe in high school or maybe me predicting Spider-Man: Far From Home.

I don't really know myself yet but I feel like I've read a lot of stories similar and I think I just want to take on my own interpretation.

It sounds stupid I'm sure. Most of you may not like the idea of me doing something different after I said I would only do Tom Holland imagines but Peter Parker is Tom Holland so...

Lol but yeah I'm starting to write the first chapter of the story and it will include Ned, Aunt May and obviously Peter being Spider-Man.

I'm thinking the timeline could be after homecoming in which Infinity War hasn't or won't happen in the story but who knows?

I'm all over the place and I will never get my shit together but just wanted to let all of you know that I'm so thankful for 7k reads! It means a lot to me and you guys are the best and thanks so much for all the votes.

Don't forget to follow me on insta as always @the_quacksonklaxon

Much love

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