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Rye pov
I can't believe she was treated like that by her own family. That pissed me off how could those imbeciles do that to a precious flower. I made sure I fed her since she was practically bones.

I'm mad at her for not taking care of her self like she should've but I feel where she's coming from. I watched her bathe, brush her teeth get dressed I watched everything.

She's peacefully sleeping on my chest I played in her hair. Her clothes hang off her body, I didn't want anyone seeing her body. So I bought her small gowns so she can wear.

We did kill Galiseh Dalvator he put up a good fight but wasn't no match for our expertise. I hear her groan softly in my ear I keep playing in her hair.

"Good morning." She quietly said

"Morning dear." I say softly

" Rye.. I'm sorry for what I did." She said sounding guilty

"It's okay baby." I told her dragging my finger across her thigh felt her shiver

"Are you pitying me because what happened to me or just using me for sex." I hear her say nervously

"Neither. I fuck you because I love you.. I don't pity you I feel sorry for your family for abusing such a fragile flower like yourself." I said firmly she blushes

"Can I-I go back home?" She ask timidly

"For what." I say on edge

"So I can get some clothes, I don't want them going to waste." She says softly snuggling into me

"We'll go in the afternoon." I told her she nods

There's a knock at the door I ask who is it.

"It's David!" The voice yell on the other side

"Come in." I said the door opened.

"I was wondering if y'all want to go somewhere. We can celebrate over our win!" He yell smiling I sigh

"Look David, Cherish is-." Gets cut off

"We'll be happy to celebrate we will be ready in 30 minutes." She said smiling at David he grinned

"Ok I'll be waiting." He said leaving shutting the door.

"Why did you say that your not feeling well." I scowl her

"We are going I don't want him feeling sad and lonely."She says sitting up

"So your health is very low right now." I argued
She straddle me leaning to my ear.

"Maybe if you behave I'll give you a treat." She says seductively she rubs her hand on my newly hard dick. I groan

"If I'm not." I ask

"I'm gonna make you suffer." She says hopping off me going into the bathroom.

Cherish POV
I'm wearing a sexy tight revealing crop top, a high waisted short cotton skirt with 4inch black heels. Rye is wearing a casual button shirt with jeans, David is wearing something similar to his.

We sit at the bar ordering drinks I'm hoping to feel a lot better than yesterday. I regret doing what I did, I'm happy he forgave me for it. I chug the liquor down loving the bitter taste.

My face squinch up I ask for 5 more he hands it to me and I down everyone of them. Then I ask him for hard liquor he gave me the good stuff. I was already feeling drunk but I want to have fun there's music and a dance floor.

"Dear slow down on the liquor." He says to me I smirk at him leaning to his ear

"Do you want me to sit on you? Having my tight little pussy riding your oh so big cock. I really want you to pound inside of me baby." I seductively say rubbing on his print he groans

"Not here dearest." He says sternly I pout downing the rest of my liquor I sat the glass down.

"Baby what if I'm horny?" I ask him standing in between his legs

"That's a You problem." He says smugly

I pout playing with his zipper I rub him softly hearing him groan. He push my hand away telling me to stop.

"Baby come dance with." I ask him giving him puppy eyes

"Not now." He says

"Ryee." I whine his name

"Dear,your drunk right not you don't need to dance." He says

"But." I start he gave me a look I walk away from the bar and go to sit on the other side of the building.

I'm mad at him he's not paying attention to me. I feel a tear slip down my face but I wipe it away quickly. I feel someone next to me but I don't give them the time of day.

"Are you ok?" A male voice ask

"Yes" I say bluntly

"You don't look ok." He says I side eye him

"I'm fine." I say in a monotone voice

"Well want to dance?" He ask

"No I have a boyfriend." I told him tensely

"Well He isn't here." He say smartly

"He's around." I say not trying to speak anymore

"He doesn't have to know" he say

"I'll know so I don't want to." I said getting annoyed

"I can-" He was cut off by a familiar voice

"She said she doesn't want to."He said rudely

"Who are you." The guy say defensively

"Her boyfriend." He say shortly

"You shouldn't be with her, you do a poor job at keeping her happy." The guy said

"I can keep my girl happy in fact I do keep her happy. What you want my girl or something?" He ask glaring at the guy

"Yes In factly.. I can treat her better." He said

"She loves me and only me so you can step down off your pedestal and get lost." He say curtly

"Your such a dick!" The guy yelled

"Which she loves bouncing on." He said smirking

"You should stop wasting your breathe on a whore.. oh I didn't mean to say that." The guy said I looked at him with a glare

"No one calls my girl a whore an gets away with it." He says bawling his fists walking to the guy fast knocking him out.

He walks to me kissing my forehead he picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck he holds me up by my ass. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry dear for not giving you attention." He say sadly I look up and kiss him

"It's ok but tonight we're not having sex but you could fix an ache between my legs." I said slyly he grunts

"I can deal with that." He says smirking squeezing my ass I blush hiding my face in his neck.

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