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Cherish POV
I jumped out my sleep scared those red eyes and fangs. I saw them once before on that guy who attacked me. I look to my right and see rye sleeping I got ready for my day and went downstairs.

I ate and sat on the couch thinking about yesterday. I was brought out of my train of thought.

"Dear what's wrong?" He ask me I look at him

"I seen red eyes and fangs right before I passed out. I also seen fangs on that guy who attacked me!" I told him feeling jittery

"Uh oh your probably was just scared." He said nervously I looked at him suspiciously

"Why your so nervous?" I asked him he scratched his head

"I-I'm n-not nervous." He said biting his lips

"Are you keeping something from me?" I ask him feeling betrayed

"No baby it's-"I cut him off I stood up walking out the room.

I was hurt that he is keeping secrets from me.
I feel betrayed, hurt and mostly alone, I don't like secrets. I hate it, I hate this my first ever and I'm being lied to already.

I ran out the house in tears I don't know where I'm going. I'm trying to get as far away from that house as possible. I was running for about at least 40 minutes until I seen I was completely lost.

My mind was so fuzzy and confused I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Fuck! Now I don't know anybody to come get me and I'm just animal food.

I start walking in any direction after 5 minutes I was about to fall. I collapse against a tree and you know what's the worst I didn't put shoes on. My feet are fucking killing me right now.

I was catching my breathe before I started walking again. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder I screamed and took off running.
I was thrown over a shoulder I was hitting the person back.

"Keep still I'm not gonna hurt you." The voice said I panicked and struggled more yelling at the person.

The person slapped my ass hard I screamed.
I kicked my legs and my foot hit them between their legs. They dropped to their knees groaning, I took the chance and ran.

I heard yelling but I didn't turn back I continued running. They said stop but I was scared shitless to turn back and let him get me.

All of a sudden, I was falling down my life flashed before my eyes. I gasped hitting the ground hard hitting my head in the process.
I groaned my head is pounding I felt something wet falling down my face.

I touch it looking at my hand seeing blood I rub my fingers together. I start blacking out I faintly hear my name being called but I let myself fall unconscious.
Damn! I watch her walk out the room I quickly slid on my shoes. I ran out the house going down the dirt path I used my senses to track her.

I ran in the direction I smell her go in, I ran through the woods hunting her down. I sense her close by I keep going and I see her body laid against a tree.

I go and touch her shoulder but she screamed and ran I ran after her throwing her over my shoulder. She was struggling and fighting against me, I slapped her ass hard she screamed fighting more.

I told her I'm not gonna hurt her I suddenly felt her kick my dick. I fell to the ground groaning in pain, she took the opportunity to run.

The pain went away I ran after her yelling stop.
She kept running I kept trying to stop her, she suddenly fell and I smelt blood. I finally caught up to her and she was unconscious.

I picked her up I checked her head seeing a wound on her forehead. I ran back home fast I got back in record time I laid her on the couch.
I hurriedly and got the first aid kit and cleaned her up and bandages her up.

I went and got a blanket from upstairs and walked to her and put it on her. I looked at her sadly and kissed her head and looked at her one more time and walked out the living room and into my office.

I sat at my desk with my head down thinking of what am I gonna tell her. I'm so scared that she's gonna leave me, I won't let her though.
I want my life with her and only her, I will die if she leaves me I will be broken hearted.

I hear a knock on my office door I tell them to come in. I see David I wonder why he's here it's not time to train. I look at him confuse.

"Are you ok bud?" He ask me

"No, she found out I was keeping secrets from her and she ran off." I told him feeling sad

"It's ok she's gonna come around." He said hope

"I only hope." I said not knowing what to do.

"I was here because I was lonely, I was hoping I could hang out with you guys. But it looks kinda shaky right now." He said rubbing his head I sighed

"We could still hang to get my mind off stuff." I said getting up and taking scotch from my cabinet and glasses.

He smiled and sat on the sofa and I sat beside him and we poured ourselves some and drinking and just joking around. I love these times with him one of the reasons why we're bestfriends.

The Watcher In The WoodsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon