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•3months later•
Cherish POV
I really feel like I'm missing something and I'm itching to play with. I look out at the forest and the field, it's so perfect for something I can't remember.

I try to think hard about it but end up forgetting it even more. Ugh. I'm getting frustrated that I can't remember.

"Are you all right dear?" A deep velvet voice ask I look at him

"No, I feel like I forgot something and I can't remember what though." I said pouting I feel him rubbing my head softly.

"I can help with what you're forgetting." He says kissing my head I sigh

"That will be so helpful." I told him smiling he kiss my lips looking in my eyes.

"Let's get to it then; get your fine ass up."he smirks helping me up my round stomach is getting big.

We walk in the house I shut the door behind me. I go to the front door where rye is, he let me out first and we get in the truck. I fall asleep on the ride.

I feel myself getting shaken lightly my eyes flutter open. I look around seeing I'm at my house but why is he leaving me here? I look at him confused.

"Are you leaving me here?" I ask him he look at me crazy.

"Hell no, I'm just bringing you here so you can remember what you've forgotten." He says helping me out the truck.

"Oh ok." I say quietly we walk to the house I open the door going in I look around my old house.

"Go look around I'll be here call me if you need anything dear." He said smacking my ass I was about to yell at him but he kiss me silencing my complaints.

"I'm not talking to you just because you slapped my butt." I told him walking away

"You know you can't stop talking to me Dear; but I'll give you your space." He said I walked to the basement and to my lair.

I open the door and look around the small room. I search through my stuff and I find my brown torn book. I look through it and see different spells I can do, this was the thing I couldn't remember.

I hear a creak behind me and I turn around fast. I see a guy with scars on his face he looked old he had an evil smirk on his face. I was scared I screamed for rye but he never came.

" no no no I don't think he can hear you. Maybe he's been put to sleep for a while now come with me!" He spat out I panic I search through my spells quickly trying to find a escape spell.

I quickly say the words and I look around and see we're in a dungeon of sorts. But I'm chained up with rye next to me with chains on his wrist, waist and neck.

I hear a sinister laugh I look up seeing that same guy I saw in my lair.

" well. Well. Well. Look who I got here, Cherish and rye." He smirks I pull against the chains making them rattle.

" What do you want!" I yell he walks slowly in front of us chuckling

" I've been watching y'all for a while now and I want rye for my experiment that I'm working to perfect. I want to try it on him to see if it works." He says laughing

" Why do you need me." I say he pretends to think

" I want you to watch him change and forget all about you." He said

" what if he dies." I say he chuckles

" well then you won't have your love in your or your babies life anymore." He says I hear groaning beside me

"What happened?" He grunts out

" Baby we've been kidnapped."I told him he opens his eyes looking around then at the man.

" who are you?" He sneered at the guy the man smiles

" well like I've told her I'm using you for my experiment and she will be watching you change into a creation for this generation to be frighten of!" He shouts looking like an evil genius

" so your like a play scientist who plays with potions and chemicals." He grit out

" well I'll see you guys in the morning and by the way you can't escape those chains are steel and I've tweaked them a little so good luck." He says disappearing out a door.

"What's gonna happen rye?" I ask him he is silent I call his name again

"We just gonna have to sit and wait."He says looking into my frightened eyes.

He bring me closer to him I lay on his chest closing my eyes. I listen to his breathing and soon fall asleep in his arms. I'm scared of what's going to happen tomorrow.

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