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Blu here: Let's just say that mark put her in a coma. You'll have to read what happened so sit back and read.🙃
I feel like I'm floating in the air like I'm in a completely different dimension. I feel my problems that I've had before disappear in thin air.

"Baby come hold my hand and please don't let it go"

where's that beautiful voice coming from?

"I will hold you until the end of time"

I open my eyes slowly but quickly close them since it was too bright. I open them again seeing a beautiful meadow with a waterfall and cute animals running around.

It's like a dream come true.

"Hello my darling child?" I jump turning around seeing a very handsome man.

He was tall well built with muscles but he was lean. His skin was glowing like he had sprayed a shimmer gloss on himself.

"Who are you?" I question.

"I am the Moon King, King of all the Supernatural creatures in the world!" He says triumphantly.

"Why am I here?" I was getting confused because I'm human.

"Because my child, your son is supernatural." I look down at my stomach.

"My dream was correct then." I said softly

"What are you rambling about child?" I look up to the Godly man.

"I had a dream awhile ago that I had a son not just one but three sons and I was married to Rye!" I gasp surprised

What if my dream I had was gonna come true!?

"I see you will have to see things through. Have faith and everything will fall in place" I see him smile at me
and I return it.

Everything around me starts to fade away and I look back to the man and he smiles and wave.

I wave back.

My eyes snap open and I gasp sitting up. I was in a long fluffy beautiful lavender gown that covers my feet.

I jump out the bed and rush to the bathroom brushing my teeth. I take care of my skincare and check my hair.

I wonder how long I've been sleeping?
My hair was freaking long it fell all the way to my knees. My skin! Now that I'm looking my skin is glowing making my brown skin pop.

I look towards my stomach and find that its flat. No baby bump or nothing just a flat belly. I start panicking-

"What the hell happened to my stomach."

"Did I miscarry?" "Am I dead"

Pfft of course not I see that I'm alive. I grab a brush and get all the tangles out my hair.


I look like a lioness. My hair is a HUGE afro mane.

I walk out the room slowly scanning the area, nothing has changed its still the same.

I check the whole house and nothing nobody in sight. I check out the front door and still nothing everything is quiet.

I close it walking into the kitchen and start raiding the fridge for fruit mix bowl and strawberry cream cheese. I put them on the counter I get a bigger bowl out the cabinet and rinse it out.

I dumped the fruits in the bowl with the cream cheese I went back in the fridge and found whipped cream and sprayed it over my fruits and put it back.

I grab a fork out the drawer and pick my fruit bowl up and walking out the back door.

To be honest I wasn't really paying attention to anything around me. It was me and my fruit bowl strolling through the yard.

It wasn't until I finished my bowl that My calm and naive state snapped out of it.

"I really need to stock up on fruits and strawberry cream cheese!" I grumble walking back to the house.

I felt something grab my hand.

Y'all know I'm a scary cat?! You know what I did?..... I screamed and ran

I threw the bowl at the thing and ran in the house screaming making sure all the doors are locked. I looked outside again now I'm seeing shit.

Cups are floating in the air picnic tables are out with food stacked every where. I see food floating and footballs being thrown.

"Damn it!? I could've grabbed me a plate!" I whined

I searched the downstairs closet and found a bat.

I sat and watched the backdoor for hours but ended up falling asleep.

The Watcher In The WoodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora