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Namjoon's POV

After the amazing night with Hunji came to an end, she got a call from the police station. They had to bring her in for the day, so I was left with the kids. By myself. She left me some instructions on what needed to be done today though. Thank god.

1) Get the kids up at 8:30 *no later, no sooner*

2) Get them fed

3) Get them bathed and dressed

4) Take the dog to the groomer's at 12

5) Take the kids to do something fun

6) Don't leave my house a fucking mess

7) Tell them mommy loves them, and she'll be back late

I love you xoxo

I look at the note again, then at the clock. Crap, it's 8:50! I rush to the kids room and open the door. They're both sitting up looking at me.

"Twenty minutes late." Nami says.

"Okay, freaking math wizard. Let's get to breakfast. To the kitchen." I tell them.

They giggle and walk down to the kitchen, me following close behind them.

"So what do you guys want for breakfast?" I ask.

"Chocolate chip blueberry waffles." They say in unison.

I nod and cough.

"Jin!" I yell.

He walks out from the pantry.

"How did you even know I was here?" He asks with a cookie in his mouth.

"You always come for our food. Can you make the waffles?" I beg.

"Of course, but I get to be in your pantry for forever." He stuffs his face.

"Fine, watch them, too. Be good, kids."

I run back upstairs to the kids room to get out two outfits. I picked out Guk's outfit no problem, it was just Nami's. They both come upstairs and look at me.

"You already finished eating?" I ask.

"It's been an hour and a half." Nami says.

"I can't find an outfit." I admit.

Guk scoffs and pushes past me to go into Nami's closet. In about five seconds, he puts an outfit in my hands.

"Go run the bath water, Ki has an appointment in an hour and a half." Nami says.

I run into the bathroom. So I have a geek and a fashionista. I run the bath water and put them both in. I wash them up and take them out. I dry them both, and put on their outfits.

 I dry them both, and put on their outfits

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"Guk, what is my daughter wearing?" I ask.

"Fashion, father. Fashion."

I look at him.

"Whatever, Nami, grab Ki and go to the car. We have ten minutes to be at the groomer's." 

They run out of the room and so do I. I hope we make it on time.

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