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Hunji's POV

The rest of Pentagon offered to meet us in Japan. We're staying at the hotel Namjoon owns out there. The kids were so happy to go out and on a plane.

"Guk, Nami! Bring your bags downstairs." I yell to them.

They both run downstairs with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, take them to Yuto. I'll be out in a minute."

"Who are we gonna see there?" Nami asks.

"Well, more of our friends, along with my two brothers." I say.

"We have more uncles?" Guk sighs.

"Plenty more. Car, now." They take the bags to the car.

I walk in my room and grab my bag along with two guns. I go back to the car and greet Yuto and Hongseok.

"Are we all ready?" I ask.

"Yes, the jet is waiting as we speak. Let's go." Namjoon put my bags in the truck and drives us to the airport.

We get on the jet, putting our bags up and away.

"You guys have to stay seated. When the little seatbelt light goes off, you guys can move around. Okay?" I tell them.

"Yes, ma'am." They buckle themselves in.

I take my seat in front of Namjoon, Yuto and Hongseok across from us.

"Are you okay, baby?" Namjoon asks.

"I'm fucking fine. I'm just ready to see my brothers I guess." I shrug.

-Three hours later-

I wake up in a daze. I look up and see Namjoon looking at me smiling.

"Morning sleepy. Your brothers and Pentagon are waiting to pick us up. Come on, I got your bags."

I walk over and pick up Nami and Guk. My beautiful sleeping babies. I carry them off the plane and towards my brothers.

"Hey, Hunji!" Bambam yells.

"Be quiet." I put one finger over my mouth, gesturing to the kids in my arms.

Jay takes the car seats that Yuto bought and put them, and the kids in the car.

"Who are they?" Bambam asks.

"Long story short? Two orphans we adopted. Guk and Nami. So precious. Can we go? We need to have a meeting, then I need to get the kids to sleep." I say and get in the front seat of the van.

They both just shrug and drive us to the hotel. Which is so beautiful. I walk inside and go to the front desk.

"Kim Hunji." I tell her.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs.Kim. Here are all the room keys, the one to Mr.Kim's office included. Enjoy your stay." She says and smiles.

I smile and return to the group.

"Let's go, meeting time. We can all get acquainted there." I say and walk off. They all follow behind me.
You better watch out, dad. This bitch is coming for you...

Thick Kink: K.NJOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora