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Hunji's POV

Namjoon hasn't left my side all day. Well, since I started throwing up last night. He won't let me leave the house, saying I could die or something. I always wondered what could happen in a matter of time with him. But now I know, he'll just sit and take care of me.

"Oh no." I hear Namjoon say.

I look worriedly at him.

"You okay, baby?" I ask.

"Um, yeah, I just have to go to the shooting range today. I'll just tell the guys I can't go." He was about to text back when I took his phone.

"No, you go." I tell him.

"No, because if I leave who's going to watch you?" He asks.

"First of all, I'm a grown ass woman, and if you're so worried bring me with you. I need to learn to shoot a gun." I tell him.

"Wha-fine. Get dressed, nothing to restricting." He says while leaving the room. 

I chuckle slyly as I deceive him into letting me go. I walk to our closet and pick out an outfit that I'm satisfied with. I take a shower and get dressed.

I put my hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs

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I put my hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs. I see Namjoon already dressed and sitting on the couch.

"Ready to go?" I ask him.

He looks up from his phone turning his attention to me.

"Wha- Yeah, Y-yeah, baby." He grabs his keys and I follow him out of the door.

He drives us to the shooting range, and when we get there, I see all the guys standing out front.
Namjoon and I both get out of the car and walk up the guys.

"Hey, Hunji, you're here to shoot too?" Jungkook asks.

"Of course." I respond with a smile.

"Be careful, wouldn't want such a pretty girl to go and hurt herself." Yoongi laughs.

"Suck my dick." I say and walk past them. 

I walk inside and see the shop employee.

"Hey Curtis." I say to the man at the desk.

"Oh, Hunji. Haven't seen you in a while." Curtis replies.

"Yeah, long time no see. Is Gigi in today?" I ask.

"You know she is, let me grab her for you."

Curtis leave and minutes later, the shop owner, Gigi comes out.

"Oh my lord, look who brought her ass in my shop." Gigi and I laugh together. 

Gigi has to be the only black woman I know living in Korea.

"Hey Gigi, how's the wife?" I ask.

"She good, two months pregnant." She say with a cheesy smile.

"Aw, congrats. Well, we are here to shoot today." I tell her.

"We?" She asks.

I point behind me.

"Me, my husband, and our friends." I say.

Her jaw drops as she burst into laughter.

"Well, shit, look at you, Park Hunji getting married. Which one?" She asks.

"The tall one." I say not looking back.

"Oh, he fine. But oh well, you want the private range?" She asks.

"Of course." I say sarcastically. 

Namjoon walks up to me confused.

"You know her?" He asks.

"Of course I do." I say and look at the guns under the glass.

"So Gigi, can I have my Beretta 21A Bobcat?" I ask.

"You know there's always one reserved for you." She opens her cabinet in the back and puts the gun on the counter.

"Woah, noona, you've been here before?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, but I suck at shooting. Now, pick your gun and let's go." I say.

Everyone picks a gun and follow me down to the private shooting range. I go up to a target to claim that station.

"Let's turn this into a competition, whoever shoots the most without missing the target, wins." Hobi says.

Everyone agrees and picks their target. People passing by would be going ballistic by how much noise was being made. I shot my target four times in the head, six times in the chest, and twice in the family jewels.

When we were all done, Taehyung ended up being the winner.

"I won, I won, I won!" Tae exclaimed. "Can we get an Iguana?" Taehyung asks Jimin.

"Yeah, no. Let's go before he starts asking more questions."

???'s POV

Look at them. Oh so happy. My money was not brought to me, and him, and his gang will pay. Oh Namjoon will pay.

"What's up?" My fuck buddy comes and sits on my lap.

"Nothing, why are you still here? We fucked, you need to leave now." I say.

She smacks her lips and leave my house. I will break these two up if it's the last thing I do. I stand and walk into my living room where all my gang is sitting. 

"So do you guys know the plan?" I ask.

"Yeah, boss, but I can not participate." One says to me.

"And why not?" I ask angrily.

"Because that's my sister and her husband we're talking about, JB." 

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