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When we are born, we don't know a thing about the world we were entering. Life opens its hands to us as if teasing us, but right behind follows the shadow of death. It really doesn't matter if you are big or small, you are still susceptible to death no matter what you do. It is tantalizing how life toys with your emotions, when it knows you wouldn't survive a day. We use to accept death, after all it was common. Terrorizing anything in our path, feasting relentlessly without a care in the world. That was once our life, we just didn't care.

It is so strange now, we use to see death in a different light. But once we opened our eyes and minds, we saw a massive difference. Life is suppose to be something more worth while no matter how much it torments us. It chose you and a few others to prevail, and we believe that our birth was a test. We had to prove ourselves to life, after all we had to surpass the test against all odds. Why else would we live and continue to do so?

Everyone from what we believe starts out the same, we are small once we enter this game of survival.

We learn. We fight. We survive. We live.

Life doesn't want those who are weak, it wants the strongest. As cruel as that sounds, vulnerability will not save you in this world. For as long as we can remember, we speak of our forefathers being successful only cause they were. They faced anything and everything that stood before them. That much we know and we must follow that example.

How do you know you are chosen? You don't. When you open your eyes for the first time, you aren't simply branded by life. As you take your first step, you encounter your first real test. Know what is a threat to you and remember it fast, for you only have one chance and that is it. You can't take it back once you make that crucial choice. Choices and mistakes like that lead into consequences that ultimately will cost you severely. We may think to seriously into things, but we must. Otherwise, our very life can abruptly end. Life is such a powerful thing, yet it can be ripped from your very hands in a instant.

Everything is connected to this survival game, and as such we are definitely connected. We know this, and we remember it. Oddly enough we respect it.

As our thoughts cease we open our eyes from our slumber, and we are then reminded where we stand in this so called food chain. My body, my mind, my experiences flood back to me. You may say I'm a power thinker, that or I'm to serious. Either way think what you will, I'm living just like you.

"Hrmph.", snorted a allosaurus whose face is covered in scars. The most noticeable scar is the one in between his topaz colored eyes. His hide was a dark green color, and adorned upon his muscular frame were bones that looked to be like armor. Shifting his cranium did he look back to another, his expression wasn't pleased.

"You in a sour mood already?", asked a deep rough voice that was similar to a growl of a much larger carnivore who stalked behind him with the same bone armor. However, upon his large cranium rested a trike skull.

That very trike skull symbolizes that he was the voice of his clan. A leader if you will. That helm also gave hint to him being a excellent fighter who was intelligent enough to know what decisions he needed to make. Any leader must make the hardest of decisions, even the ones that determine if one life was more important than another.

"Isn't it best to be in a sour mood?", hissed out the allosaurus who looked around their surroundings. The leader was much larger than him, but of course he was a rex.

As the wind began to pick up, so did the scent of blood. This scent was always so strong, but one couldn't simply forget that smell. That aroma was one of the sweetest smells, but now it was a indicator of stale death.

"Anger can lead to blindness.", spoke the rex who looked toward the direction of the blood. The allosaurus snorted loudly to his response, but didn't say anything more. "Scarface.", growled the rex loudly clearly not satisfied with the silence.

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