11) Two sides to a coin

Start from the beginning

Reve felt complete, a feeling she had never encountered before. It spread out of her all the way to the tips of her fingers, as she beheld the man she had called friend for so long. They lay in a tangled heap, contented. 'This' she thought 'This is what makes me human' she smiled, and Collins smiled back at her. They spent the evening discovering each other anew, losing themselves that only two who know each other so well can do.

They drifted off to sleep having chased the nightmares away. It was morning when Reve awoke. She watched Collins sleep, the surge of love she felt for him staggered her. It was so natural, this bond they shared; made even stronger now.

Reve was grateful he was still with her and loved her like she did him; it was more than she had ever expected. Collins yawned, and looked up at her. "Morning," he smiled that secret smile and instantly she was ready again.

Reve marvelled that she would never tire of feeling like this; no amount of monster in her could stop her feeling this way. She led on top of him, feeling his heart beat flutter as she leaned in to kiss him.

"We have to move on Reve" Collins said, tracing the green outline across her belly.

"I know. But where too?" She shuddered slightly; those images of the soldiers were always close. Taunting her. Collins had been Reve’s shining light that obscured and shattered those images. Keeping her sane.

"Somewhere, anywhere. We don't need to find out more about your inherited DNA Reve. We can just accept things and move on. Live our lives." He sounded wistful.

"Hey, maybe we can go and find my mum?" She said, beginning to get hopeful

Collins became more animated. "Yeah, we can head back. Catch up with them. Oh Reve, we can just go and live our lives - forget all of this"

"Forget..." a voice said.

Instantly they were on alert, Collins stood up, and tried to cover his modesty.

"Carl!!!" Reve was surprised but pleased, her eyes searched for her mother.

Carl had come in through a side door that neither of them had noticed. He hadn't come alone; with him were four other men. As Reve took more notice her heart sank. Those soldiers where from the base. And her mother wasn't with him.

Collins noticed this too, as he pulled on his pants. "Where's Elise?"

"I'll get to that later." Venom caressed those words and Reve began to feel nervous and scared.

"Where is she?" Reve asked. She stood up still naked and defiant, facing Carl. She could feel the hate radiating off him. He looked Reve up and down, and then his face turned red.

"Don't speak to me you...you...Monster" His face contorted in anger. Reve felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over her.

Carl looked at Collins, "And you. Crossbreeding with the animals now I see"....

Collins, outraged threw himself at Carl. "How can you say such crap to me!! You of all people!!" Carl pushed him away. The other soldiers closed in.

"The world is not what it was Collins. The people in it, well they change. It's us against them" he said pointing at Reve. Collins had now straightened up and began to close the distance between himself and Reve.

"Carl," Reve tried to speak to him, but he ignored her.

"Take them." he told the soldiers.

"No! Reve screamed. She tried to close that gap to Collins, but the soldiers were quicker. They had him by the scruff of his neck and began to drag him away. The rest trained their guns on her.

"Carl, how can you do this to me... to us?" She asked.

"You are an abomination. One I should have terminated at birth" He said, very matter of fact. He turned away, leaving her for the armed soldiers.

Twice in the space of twenty four hours Reve had stared down at the barrel of a gun. She saw Collins struggling, calling her name. Carl hit him across the face, and she watched as Collins lip began to bleed.

(R)Evolution ~ Book 2 (Watty Awards Round 2 Finalist)Where stories live. Discover now