"Mmm~" Soft moans and gasps made Ruby smile as she knew that she was giving Weiss delight.

Before Ruby could continue, Weiss tugged on her hand, asking her to come up. Ruby stopped and went up to give Weiss a soft kiss, looking at her light blue orbs as they glowed faintly in the dark.

Wait. Glowed?

"What's wrong, Weiss?" Ruby asked softly, looking down at Weiss who had several emotions flickering through her eyes.

"I'm...I'm scared. Ruby, I didn't realize how dangerous this is..." Weiss whispered, a tear slipped from her eye. "What happens when I lose control?"

All she has been teaching Weiss was controlling her powers, being discrete and using it under the radar but she never discussed this with Weiss. The consequence of her 'letting go' of the control she tried learning was going to crumble.

"Do you want me to stop, love?" Ruby asked sweetly, a smile on her lips.

Weiss wanted to continue but her fear of losing control was making her think twice and thrice of this. Ruby looked at her with such gentle eyes, full of affection and warmth. She wants the risk, the high possibility of destruction just for this but what if she accidentally hurts Ruby?

"Y-Yeah. I'm sorry, Ruby. I'm scared. Very scared." Weiss admitted.

Ruby smiled, sighing in relief. "You'll be a fool if you aren't scared. I'm glad you told me." The brunette rested her forehead on Weiss', eyes closed. The heiress felt horrible but relieved.

Perhaps one day, she can truly let go but for now, the feeding and other small things will be fine.

Ruby got off of Weiss and stayed by her side, dressing the heiress before taking her in her arms, holding her close.

"Maybe soon enough. For now, cuddles will be fine, right?" Ruby asked as she held a sniffling white haired princess.

Weiss nodded as she buried her tear streaked face at Ruby's soft bossom. It did irk her that they were larger than hers.

Rain started pouring outside, pellets of water hitting the surfaces of the house, leaves and pavement. The silence amplified the sound of the rain which seem to relax Weiss. Ruby listened, held the girl in her arms, gently running her fingers through her hair. A silent reminder that everything was fine.

"How am I a princess, Ruby?" Weiss asked, her voice raspy from crying.

The brunette smiled to the question. "Your ancestors created the greatest empire--Atlas. A kingdom with great power. The oldest bloodline of rulers are the Schnees. The governance of Atlas may be different now but your father should know the monarchy still shows up there. He may be the King on the eyes of your people but he's not a ruler they want. You...You're a good person. They're just waiting for you, Your Majesty."

Weiss found herself anxious as she realized that maybe Ruby was part right. Many had their eyes on her, that she knew. But taking over SDC was, now more than ever, interesting.

Will Ruby still be there when she does take her place as the heiress? What if she's not good enough as her brother always told her? What if--

"What if you're not gonna be there? Would I still be a leader that the company needs?" Weiss asked quietly.

"You already are. You're human and strong. You didn't give up on me, why would you give up on family? You don't need me Weiss." Ruby responded, her voice soft and gentle to the heiress' ears with such painful words she doesn't want to think of.

"Besides, we still have quite a while together. Beacon, field work, adventures and trips we can take." Ruby added as she ran her fingers through Weiss' hair. "All the possibilities, the changes, the things we can risk to do."

Weiss smiled. Risk. Recklessness. Freedom.

"Sounds perfect to me. I can't wait to do it." Weiss smiled, closing her eyes to feel comfort and think of what the day tomorrow can bring.

"Anything for you." Ruby whispered as she planted a soft kiss on her forehead, feeling her slip to unconsciousness. "Good night."

Weiss smiled. "Sweet dreams."

Silence. Comfortable silence. It was the vampire's reminder that sometimes, it's the small moments of life like this that makes her life worth living.


Small whispers. A small smile. Warm hearts.
I know I haven't been updating for days. Thank you for your patience. I've been putting this chapter off to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend because she's leaving for school again. It takes months before we see each other again because we're busy so...yeah!

But I hope you all have had wonderful weeks, celebrations and days! I hope this made your day and that's enough to make this mergirl happy! >♡<

Leave a comment and tell me about your days! Voting and following is good too~

Thank you~ ♡
With love,
Sapphy~ ♡

Post Edit: You guys, I fixed it.

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