Chapter Forty Two

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Dedication: Catfishsoup for the awesome cover on the side. Thank you. :)

Sorry for the delay in updating, I've been a bit busy lately. Also, I didn't try and proofread, so please forgive me if there are heaps of mistakes.

Thank you so much to everyone who had been voting and commenting. I super, super appreciate it! :)

Anyways, read on and have a super, awesome day/night/afternoon. :D


Jason's P.O.V:

Well... this was awkward. I saw Emma's bright, green eyes widen in realisation as her mother stepped into view. My eyes swivelled over to Rachel. She was a spitting-image of Emma. My eyebrows shot up into my hairline. I couldn't believe it. They were like twins!

"Mum...?" Emma trailed off, looking bewildered. 

"Hi, honey." she smiled, warmth radiating off her in waves. "How are you?"


I bit my cheek to stop myself smiling. She was too cute. My eyes darted between the two girls like I was watching a tennis match. Even though Rachel was quite a bit taller then Emma, they both had smooth, tan skin, long, blonde hair and bright green eyes that seemed to light up an enitre city.  Rachel hardly even looked like her mother. If I didn't know, I would have assumed the two sister's.

"As you've probably gathered, I informed James."

"I see that..." she said slowly. "How is it all going?"

"It's a lot to take in," James muttered from the table. He hadn't altered his position since we had first entered. He was looking pretty dumbfounded. I felt a bit uncomfortable, actually. It felt as though I was intruding on a family moment. Emma's eyes found mine and she gave me a small smile.

I gave her a returning smile. I hooked my thumb over my shoulder. I went to go find the bathroom. After standing outside the door for a few minutes, I came back. They were all sitting down. I shifted my weight uncomfortably and leaned on the doorframe, my arms folded across my chest. I didn't really know what to do.

"Do you want some tea?" Emma asked us all quietly, her eyes skimming over ours but not settling on any. "Or coffee?"

"No thanks," I mouthed and her mum just shook her head.

"Tea would be nice." James murmured.

Emma got up and began bustling around the kitchen. In a few strides I joined her and began helping. I watched her slim, tanned arms whip around as she grabbed the stuff she needed. She leaned up to get the cups, her shirt lifted, revealing her smooth, stomach. 

It was then I noticed red marks and finger nail incisions. My jaw began ticking and my fists began clenching at my side. I can't believe what that bastard did to her. Well, after a few threatening words and quite a bashing, I think he will leave her alone.

I don't think he can even walk right now.

I guess it was bad I didn't feel anything or even call for help. I just bashed him and left him there. I'm sure someone would have found him. It wasn't like the school was completely deserted. There would have been teachers lingering still. I don't even care if I got in trouble. He practically tried to rape her.

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