Chapter 2

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A/N Hi lovies, hope you're liking what I have so far, it's not much but I hope it'll get you interested. Please don't be afraid to comment and please vote. Your input is valued.



Chapter 2

"Jolene!" I stunt rolled off the couch when I heard my name. I squinted up to see Matt, Alicia's mate, with his hands folded over his chest.

"What is your problem?" I whined, getting to my feet. Matt raised an eyebrow and studied me. His coffee brown eyes scanning my face. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"Did you dye your hair?" he asked.

"You woke me up to ask if I dyed my hair?" I nearly yelled. "Are you mentally ill? I could've broken something falling off the couch!"

"Calm down, what is wrong with you? I woke you up to tell you that breakfast is ready." he walked out of the room into the kitchen. I stood in the living room for a while wondering why I'd snapped. I have a temper but I don't snap, ever.

I shuffled into the kitchen. Matt sat quietly by the island eating his apple pancakes.

"Sorry, Matt, I shouldn't have snapped at you." I said hugging him from the side.

"It's okay but don't expect me to give you some pancakes." he said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes. Alicia walked in and her eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Your hair," she whispered, "Your roots," she looked beyond confused and so was I. I touched the top of my head self consciously.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked worried. She furrowed her brows before speaking.

"Your roots are white." she said slowly.

"No they're not." I shook my head, running a hand through my hair.

"Yes. Yes they are. Your roots are white." she repeated. I pushed passed her to the nearest mirror in the hall way. I looked at myself and I gasped clutching a hand full of hair. My roots were white. Roughly two centimetres of my jet black hair was white. I'd never dyed my hair once so at that moment, I was confused. I looked at my hair from different angles but came to the same conclusion, my roots had turned white over night.

I sat down on the bottom stair. Alicia peeked from around the kitchen. She looked at me with an amused grin.

"My roots are white." I pouted. She smiled and came to sit next to me.

"Yes they are."

"Why? I didn't dye it." I said quietly.

"I don't know, maybe it's your new shampoo or something." I breathed a sigh of relief. That made sense. A few days ago I had switched shampoos so that could've been my hair reacting badly to the new brand.

"Yeah, maybe. That makes sense though." I smiled.

"I'm a genius." Alicia added pulling me into the kitchen to grab a plate of pancakes. We all sat around the island and agreed that I would change back to my old shampoo to avoid further colour confusion.

After showering and getting into my uniform, I ran downstairs to my car and went on my way to work. I got to the bakery and Laura, my boss, was at the door flipping the sign to say open.

"Hey, boss." I said with a smile. Laura looked up at me and giggled.

"Nice hair." she mumbled. I rolled my eyes. I went to the staff room to find Jackie writing down a list.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Jo, how's it going?" she said. I could tell she was trying to keep a straight face.

"Fine and no, my hair does not look like this intentionally." I explained before she could ask. She nodded slowly and handed me the list.

"Today's deliveries. Only three then you're off the hook." she cocked her head to the side to study me while I reached for the paper.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Keys, please."

Jackie handed me the keys to the bakery truck. I was the delivery girl for Laura's Sweet Treats, the local bakery. Jackie helped me load three orders into the back of the truck. We had eight dozen cupcakes to one address, two dozen cookies to another and a very large cake to the last.

"Thank you and good day." I sang. I opened the driver's door and got in. Before putting the keys in the ignition, I scanned the list. I mapped out what I was going to deliver when. I would do cookies then cupcakes and then cake. That way, I'd be closer to the bakery when I'm done.

I stopped the truck outside a huge house and walked to the oak door to ask for some help. The cake was way too big for me to carry on my own so I needed help. This was my last delivery and then I could get home and finish some assignments.

I rang the door bell. I knew there was somebody home because there were three cars parked outside. A Ford Mustang, a Porsche Cayenne and a Dodge Challenger. The people that lived here sure had some money. The door swung open and in front of me stood sexiness. The definition of sexiness was the boy that stood in front of me. He was wearing a plain blue t-shirt, blue jeans and plain white sneakers. He was built like freaking Thor, and he and darkest brunette hair, fullest lips and the most gorgeous amber eyes I had ever seen.

"Hey." I nearly melted into a puddle when he spoke. I opened my mouth but was at a loss for words. He looked at me intensely. I shook my head slightly, snapping myself out of my daze.

"Hey, um, you ordered a seven tier cake from Laura's right?" I said in a small voice. He nodded slowly, watching me. He looked like he was intrigued by me. I was kinda happy that he liked looking at me until I remembered my hair. I gasped and quickly slung it up into a messy bun. His lips curled into a smile.

"I can't carry the cake in myself. I'll need some help." I said a little too quickly. I was finding it hard to look at him directly in the eye. He turned and called into the house.

"Cake's here!" he yelled. I heard a few cheers and four hot guys came out and went straight to the truck. One of them hung back to smile at me. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I saw Mr. Sexy give him a look and he immediately followed the others.

"I'm Riley." he held his hand out for me.

"Jolene." I took his hand and he pulled me close to him. I was taken aback but I didn't mind being so close to him. He smelled of English Blazer Black and something else that I couldn't  identify but it was definitely a nice smell. I looked up at him and he grinned back at me.

"Do you know who I am, Jolene?" he asked huskily. I shook my head, wide-eyed. His grin widened. "I'll tell you tonight." he said.


"Tonight at my party. I expect to see you here." he said. I nodded quickly.

"Sure." my voice was less than a whisper.

The boys emerged from behind the truck, Riley pulled me so that I was out of their way. They shuffled passed us holding the massive cake, all of them mumbling about how great the cake looks. As soon as they disappeared into the house Riley reached into his back pocket and handed me a wad of cash.

"That's all of it." he said confidently. I took the money. For some strange reason I believed him. "I'll see you tonight, Jolene." my name slid down his tongue like drop of sweet honey. He walked back in and closed the door behind him. I held back the urge to look down at the hand which he had held a few seconds ago.

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