51: A Prayer for America (Free Verse)

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Challenge Yourself
By Fox-Trot-9

51: A Prayer for America
(Free Verse)

A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

—John 13:34-35

I don't know what's going to happen
In the next four years.
All I know is that it's going to be bad
For ALL Americans.

It will be tough to be an American,
And it will be tougher to be a Christian,
And it will be almost impossible to be a Muslim
Or immigrant or illegal alien.

But the worst fear I have is this:
I fear losing my humanity.
I am a human being, and "being"
Is the essence of consciousness and awareness.
To "be" requires that we must THINK and FEEL
For one another and for ourselves.

That means I must think and feel
For myself and by myself
Before I can think and feel for others.
In order to love and sympathize with others,
I must have that love and sympathy in myself.

To love my enemies means I must love
The spark that makes other people human,
Because that spark also makes who I am.

That spark is love.
That spark is God.
That spark is the Holy Spirit.
That spark is in everyone.
That spark is in you and me.
That spark is God's Holy Fire.
That spark is Eternal Life.
That spark is in the animals.
That spark is in the trees and plants.
That spark is in everything that grows.
That spark is in everything that lives.
That spark is the Word.
That spark is the Truth.
That spark is the Way.
That spark is the Light
Shining in the darkness.

For in the darkness shall I shine,
In the darkness shall you shine,
And in the darkness shall we all shine.

Glory be to God.


(To be continued...)

A/N: Words to hopefully calm tensions... Hopefully...

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