9: Love's True Self (Sonnet)

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Challenge Yourself
By Fox-Trot-9

9: Love's True Self

When I do hear the silent steps of stalking Fate,
And see his brother—reaping Death—not far behind,
I fear my time is short: the world, so large and great,
Will scarcely have this poet's waning life defined;
The changing world would place my works in dusty shelves
That Time will soon forget; my legacy lies not
In passing spells of fame, nor in my works themselves:
It lies in your requited love when all's forgot.
The strength of love can wax and wane yet never die:
It sees th' invisible and feels th' intangible,
Endures the countless slings and arrows Fate can try,
And (notwithstanding Death) achieves th' impossible.
      For you personify redemption's sweet reward,
      The calm before a storm, a shield against the sword.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Hello, again... Here's another peice I wrote a while back that I've never posted before... It was written back in my sonnet-writing Shakespeare days... Hope you enjoyed... ( ^_^ )

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