18: Suffering Poet (Couplets)

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Challenge Yourself
By Fox-Trot-9

18: Suffering Poet

My writing has become my crutch
When everything in life's too much
To deal with as I daily must.
Whatever comes my way is just
A prelude to some further heartache,
Compounded on the daily headache
Of finding items always lost,
Of interruptions at the cost
Of losing time and losing peace.
Oh, how I wish for some release
When all my troubles now increase
Upon the whims of circumstance,
As if my part within this dance
Is predetermined to collapse,
Wherein fall through the tiny gaps
My dreams that have no chance to grow.
Sometimes the words begin to flow
When something in my life transpires
To thwart my hopes and my desires
To finish writing something out.
Emergencies begin to sprout
Like weeds upon my writing goals,
Filling them with a million holes
I can't begin to fix in time,
As if I'm doomed to always climb
A mountain to begin to write.
That's why I have to write at night
When daytime drains me of the might
To get some words down on the page,
A daily battle I must wage
Despite the countless setbacks that
Disrupt the rhymes I'm working at.
The writing life can be a drain
When wracking out my weary brain
Becomes the normal thing to do,
And dealing with my problems, too,
Becomes a task that still compels
Me to write out the daily hells
Of circumstance within this life,
If only to survive this strife.
This life of pain forever drives
Me to create a thousand lives
With living words that touch the hearts
Of readers in their deepest parts,
Letting them know they're not alone.
So let these words that I have sewn
Together through my stress-filled tears
Give readers strength to bear their fears
And confidence among their peers,
Even when I am doomed to dwell
Inside this daily life of hell.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Yes... Adolescence is hell, especially for the creative writer-types like you and me... I sometimes wonder how I even survived my teenage years with my sanity intact... ( <_< )

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