17: La Chaîne Coupée

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Note: If any of you are going to read The Underground, the next chapter will have spoilers.


From the moment I entered the cursed place, all I did was fight the fire that burned my skin

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From the moment I entered the cursed place, all I did was fight the fire that burned my skin. In the few seconds I had argued with Jenny, it seemed that the fire had spread and consumed almost everything.

I have to find Lavender and get out of here, otherwise this whole place will collapse on us, or we'll die of the heavy smoke. If it weren't for the cloth I tore off the rags I was wearing and held it against my airway, I'm sure I was already unconscious.

I couldn't see a thing, whether it was feint the brightness of the fire or the smoke that filled everything, or because of the heavy heat that made me lose concentration.

Suddenly I heard a heavy cough, and the sound of a painful moan came from under my feet.

I looked at the floor, noticed a hand full of plaster and black dust under my feet, and the rest of the body was hidden under broken ceiling parts.

I quickly crouched down and moved with my aching and burning hands the parts of the ceiling from the body that was beneath me, ignoring my aching muscles.

I'm sure I'll pay for it later. I have to rest, and I'm surprised my body manages to hold me until now.

I'm afraid that the moment I'll need my strength more than anything I'll just collapse and I will not be able to stand again.

My hands, working vigorously, slowly exposed the dirty black suit, the bruised hands and the face of the President hiding under all the piles of dirt and dust.

"Damn!" I gasped, "I have to get you out of here, now-!"

"And you've got to get out of here now." I heard a familiar voice and turned around. It was Naeva, her clothes were dirty, dusty and her pistol was loaded in her hand, "What do you think you're doing here?"

"I came to look for Lavender." I said, noticing the black cloth she was holding to her face, like me.

"And do you think it's okay to do it in your physical state? What do you think she would say?" She said loudly, raising her eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter. I'm here, and I'll help her and follow her no matter what." I answered as loudly as I could despite my hoarse voice.

She sighed and said, "Vice, make sure you get the President and Nick out of here, I don't need distractions." She said coldly.

From the shadows Will suddenly appeared, the scar on his face half visible as the cloth around his face hid the lower part of his face.

"No! Let me go! Naeva!" I cried out, struggling against Will's strong hands, but can't because at that moment my body decided to surrender to the pain, and it collapsed.

Lavender [Completed] #Wattys2018 (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now